Is chinchilla urine dangerous?

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New member
Aug 1, 2015
So earlier today my chinchilla peed on my bed right next to my pillow. It went completely through the sheets and soaked my mattress. I casually washed the area with Windex and fabric freshener. Thinking back I probably should have washed it more thoroughly but I didn't really think anything of it at the time. But, now that it's time for me to start getting ready for bed I'm a little worried about how safe it actually is to breathe that in. Since the spot is right next to my face, will it be harmful to me to breathe that in while I'm sleeping?
It's just pee. It's not nuclear pee. It's no different than if you smelled dog urine if they peed on the floor or smelling your own urine after you urinate. I'd be more worried about breathing in Windex and fabric freshener than chinchilla urine. Next time, if it happens again, just use a little bit of white vinegar to clean it up. It's nontoxic and my go-to cleaning product nowadays.
I'm with tunes, the chemicals you used to clean the spot would DEFINITELY be more harmful to breath in than chin pee...I also agree with white vinegar...stuff is a godsend, we keep it on hand here by the gallon :)
Thanks you guys! I know it was a dumb question, I just wasn't sure if it was similar to rat urine. My cousin got very sick from being around rat urine (she slept right next to the cage) and I thought of that while I was cleaning it.