Is anyone else's chin lovable?

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
So I have my Ellie, whom I've had for probably like 4 years? She's around six years old. When I was younger I didn't play with her much, because when I did she sprayed. Since I've gotten older, I've worked with her a lot more, and she loves to be petted. Most chins don't like to be touched, but she will sit on my lap and let me pet her all over, a few days ago, I sat for like ten minutes and scratched her belly... She doesn't like to be picked up though,unless you do it just right she will spray, but I've got it just how she likes it :) She hates other chins, but loves me :)

Does anyone else have a chin that LOVES to be petted?
That's great!

Mine allow me to pick them up, but they don't like being petted yet. I can touch them for about a second and then they back away a bit. Hopefully that will change as they get older. I've only had them for a little over 2 weeks. :)
Maia is the same age, and loves to be picked up but once that's over with- she's gone! She wants to get out and play, and knows she can't :)
None of mine like to be petted. I can pet them on their head and around their ears, but anywhere else you can forget it. I can only scritch Tribble. He likes it. Chichi and Tia are very uncomfortable with it.
Rhino lets me pet him everywhere, except his bum! he squawks at me if i touch his rear, lol.

he also puts up with my nose 'snorgles' on the top of his head. he'll even sit still and let me do that if i'm not holding him at the moment.
I can only scritch Ellie and Maia and Joe (but he's really picky, you have to start behind his ears and work your way to his chin :p) And occasionally Stormy and Fauna. Odd, Samber and Felix would rather run free :)
Chinchy hates being picked up (though he was slightly ok with it before because it means that he can get out of his cage, but he's been more moody since I've gotten females) but loooooves his scritches. It doesn't matter if he's sleeping or wide awake, he's always up for them.
I have two that enjoy being pet. Leo loves perching on my shoulder and getting some lovin's :)
Both my chinnies hate being picked up, but Lola has started letting me give scritches behind her ears and on her head, anywhere else Lola will grab my hand and throw it away (im getting there though) :D Dotty wont let me really touch her and will run away if i try, but when shes sleepy she will let me give scritches on her ears and head but not much.

You can tell they both enjoy it though and where Lola was abused Dotty was always picked up so i think its going to take some more time. I think they are both just a little scared still :)
My trio is quite an odd combination. I can give Gadget scritches since he absolutely loves them but he doesn't like being restrained and hates to be petted. Gidget loves to be held and is quite snugly as long as you don't scritch/pet her and Mitch, who I call "puppy" is very friendly. He love scritches, being held and laying on his back to get a belly rub. I just can't get over how friendly he is.
Oscar loves scritches especially through the bars because I can't touch his butt. Edgar will let me pet him all over if he's in the mood or tired but often I think he just tolerates it. Jackie is our love and will groom us back when he pet or scritch him. None of them like to be held so we pet them when they want us to in the cage or when they are sitting on us.
Scruffy loooves his scritches. And he was the only one we got from a pet store. Funny.

Wiggles rarely likes it now and then. Morris can tolerate it for a few seconds. I can pet Ramble, but he doesn't seem to love it or hate it, he just sits in his tube while I pet his chin. Nibbler can be okay with it, but he will also push me away or shake his head.
Bella doesn't mind being held, so long as its not for too long. She usually nips at my hand if I try to give her scritches, but she will sit on her lava ledge for minutes at a time and let me pet her head to tail. Once she just sat on that ledge for like 10 minutes while I cleaned chapstick out of her fur that got there when I was holding her and she moved her head and bumped my lips.
Rhino let me hold and snuggle him for quite a few minutes tonight. twas a rarity!!! lol. when i was letting him go he shot off like a rocket though.
I'm not allowed to pet YouBe at all; He pets Me. Nova is sporadic; sometimes he'll accept a chin or ear skritch, but most of the time, he bolts. And then there's Crash who gets ticked if I don't scratch his ears and chin every night. I don't have any that like to be held or sit on me, though. It's all got to be on their terms.
Evie wont let me pet her for long but she lets grandma pet her and shes so funny though whenever I come into the room she wakes up and is like Hi!
Two of mine will let me pet them wherever AND smother them in kisses for as long as I deem necessary. They'll even popcorn afterwards. The other two only like scritches behind their ears and on their heads, and ONLY when they're in the cage. Oh and Nixi screams when I touch her butt too!
Mr. Whiskers love to have his head and tummy rubbed, but isn't too fond of scritches.

The Snuggler doesn't like scritches, but he lets me pet him like a dog -- I call him my "Chin Doggy"!!!

Little Two Paws LOVES scritches and "butt scratchy" rubs, especially on the left side where he can't scratch himself.
Rhino let me hold and snuggle him for quite a few minutes tonight. twas a rarity!!! lol. when i was letting him go he shot off like a rocket though.

This happened with my Chloe last night! I just got back from a long weekend vacation and was checking her out, cleaning her cage and I was trying to get her out of the way so she wouldn't jump out of the cage (it would have been fine if she did, door closed, stuff off floor) and she wouldn't move! So I just picked her up--it was amazing!! Then she ran away back in the cage...

Generally, Chloe likes scritches and does the "don't touch my butt" kack as well. Being picked up is never really something she does totally voluntarily, though.