iPhone 4

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My husband pre-ordered his and had it shipped to the store. He left work early yesterday to go pick it up and it had been stolen from the box. They told him he would have to wait until next Tuesday to get one. Thankfully he did have it shipped to the store - I'm sure no one would have believed that it had been stolen if it had been shipped to the house.
Oh Sandi, I love you, but you are such a junkie...;)

Thanks Nikki :heart3: and believe me, I've been told :deadhorse2: BUT next time I go to SD (hi Peggy :wave:) I'll be taking my daughter's razor phone with me too, just in case.
My dad was so FIXED on getting the iPhone and I found a Droid and let him play with it and he is starting to like that over the iPhone.
No recommendations on apps but dont hold the phone in your left hand :neener:
I got mine a couple weeks ago and I LOVE IT!

The antennagate problem doesnt seem to happen up here in the great white north! :p I guess we just have better providers! lol.

As for recomended apps:

Angry Birds
I am T-Pain

Those are some of the best that I have!
I've had it for almost 8 weeks now and have not experienced any of the antenna issues. Still love my iPhone :D!
I love all things Mac, but I hated the Iphone! I love my Hero though! I always have service and I have cheaper rates without having to buy all the extras!

But as long as you like it that is all that matters! :)
With Verizon field testing a CDMA iPhone, I am gonna wait to upgrade until I hear something positive or negative on that. CDMA concerns me because it cannot cover voice and data simultaneously (so no multitasking while on a call) but if they can work around that- I will get the Verizon one.