Introduction, kit to adult males

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Introducing my new 3 month old to my 6 year old. I rescued the 6 year old from abuse and neglect about a month ago. I just gt a 3 month old yesterday. Their cages are next to eachother and they are getting along. The 3 month old is allready as friendly as the 6 year old, but he was abused. What should I do about the first introduction? Should I have them play together?
This is the third time you have posted this question in 3 different spots in the last few hours. A lot of people have already given you suggestions, so please listen to them rather than continuing to repost your problem in as many places as you can. The members here are very considerate and will give you as much information as you can, but having to retype that information 3 times can be a little much...
I thought you said the older guy was chattering his teeth at the new one? You posted a "concerned" thread just this morning.
Sorry I've never done a forum before, I was just really worried. I couldn't sleep last night.