Introducing, Wallace!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Here's my little guy Wallace (Wally). He's a black velvet.. I think? Correct me if I'm wrong. :p He reeeeeaally loves his scritches. His previous wasn't too sure of his age but she said that he couldn't be more than a couple months old...



Hi Wally! He is super cute! Big ears it looks like! And by the way, the quality of your pics are really good haha!
Wallace is a *great* name, and I adore that third (and first) picture!

Congrats and Welcome!
Aww, the first pic melted my heart! I love his name too!
Beautiful boy! Also love the pictures themselves. What kind of camera do you have?

yes me too. the quility is wonderful on the pics. Im starting to look for a new camera.

He is such a cutie. love the last pic with his big ears