Introducing my chins

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I had a male mosaic chin for 16 years that I lost almost a year ago now. Two weeks ago I was approached by a coworker looking for new homes for his four chins. Of course, you know how the story ends with me bringing them home a week ago lol. They came in a large cage, it was actually 3 cages (Feisty Ferret Home) modified and connected. They are settling in well.
First, we have Elmek. He is a standard, and very bad at bathing. He is about four years old. Polear, just shy of four years old, is a pink white female. Elaina and Sario are the two offspring of Polear and Elmek, born 13 months ago. Elaina is a Wilson white female, and Sario is a standard male. Pictures are old, boys and girls are now separated (due to reasons already described in another post).

Elmek doesn't like the camera, so I believe this is the only picture he appears in. Elmek is on the right, Sario on the left.


Just Sario


From left to right: Elaina, Polear, Sario


Just Elaina


And just Polear


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Glad they found their way to you, but get the girls seperated from the boys ASAP, or get the boys fixed, otherwise you're running the risk of inbred babies. Cute chinnies, though!
Cute chins!

My only comment is if you haven't modified the floor that shows in the 2nd photo, that's just asking for a broken leg. A chin could easily get their foot caught in the holes and twist and break a leg trying to get free.
I really love these names and they seem very unusual to me--are there any meanings behind them?
Boys and girls are already separated for those reasons ;) I'm not sure what to do about that floor... The bottom of the cage is bedding with no bars, but the entire top level is bars (about 7.5 feet long and almost 2 feet deep). I have some mats and perches in there, but other than that what could I do?
Boys and girls are already separated for those reasons ;) I'm not sure what to do about that floor... The bottom of the cage is bedding with no bars, but the entire top level is bars (about 7.5 feet long and almost 2 feet deep). I have some mats and perches in there, but other than that what could I do?

You could cover it with a fleece liner, or you could go and buy marble tiles and get them cut to fit in the cage.

Or does that middle floor come out? Then you could just put more wood shelves across it.

I'd just hate for one of them to jump down on it and get their foot caught.
very cute chins!!!
i have the same cage! i use fleece liner on the top level, where his house and bed and a 12 x 12 marble tile are.
on the bottom level there is 2 litter pans, another 12 x 12 tile and a covered space where his food is, leaving only a small area of wire floor which is under a wooden shelf.
i put shavings in the pull out tray in the event he misses his litter pans.
i kept the plastic shelves and ramps because none of my chins that were in there were ever chewers. a few mods and that cage will be perfect.
the 12 x 12 tiles are pretty cheap at home depot. of course i got the real nice thick marble ones to keep him cool as well, but you could get the less expensive tiles too.
We have a Feisty Ferret too. We use liners for it. I would love to put pans in like we have in our FN, but I can't figure out how it will work because, only one door opens. :(

Good luck with the new bebbies, they are super cute!
just out of curiosity, how did you connect the cages? Im thinking of doing the same.
just out of curiosity, how did you connect the cages? Im thinking of doing the same.

Well it appears he removed the side bars on both sides of one cage and the left and right of the others, and welded them or something... I didn't do it so I couldn't tell you exactly. He has latches on the top and bottom of where the cages join so you can take them apart to do a good cleaning or transport the cage. Right now the boys are on top and the ladies on the bottom.

Thank you all for the suggestions on modifying the top floor of the cage, right now I'm covering it and after I get another cage I'll attempt to remove the top floor (wish me luck lol).
Okay, how on earth do you keep that fleece clean?!?! I keep changing it and washing it but it is driving me crazy!