Ok we just tried to have a short playtime for our two year old chin and our newbie. It did not go as well as last time! When they were first introduced at the breeders, all went well. We tried to put them together for a picture shortly after bringing the new guy, Chewy, home. Vader, our two year old, got rather territorial in his cage so we just ended that right away, keeping them in separate cages that are close together. A couple nights back, we brought them up to a small bathroom to play and it went great! They both had a healthy curiosity of one another and there was almost zero aggression. Vader groomed Chewy a bit, they "kissed", they climbed over one another a bit, all was good and happy. We tried the same thing tonight and at first they almost ignored one another. Then Vader started chasing Chewy, who was terrified, and experienced some fur slip. It appeared that Vader was trying to hump Chewy but since Chewy was so scared and running from him, I was concerned Vader was doing more damage than merely showing dominance. How can you tell the difference between a violent aggression and our two year old just showing dominance? How long do we let them go on to see what happens if the little guy is scared and being chased? We did check Chewy out; he did not appear to be bitten or hurt anywhere; he just lost a couple tufts of fur. Even Vader lost a bit of fur! Help! We just didn't want our single chin to be lonely forever.