Introducing chins?

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Sep 6, 2010
I just got two new chinchillas and i would like to know whats the easiest way to introduce them to my one other chinchillas.
I have both cages next to eachother with a little space but none are really caring about eachother. How do i introduce them?
And also if i do introduce them would they bite eachother?
This thread explains in detail how to introduce chins:

Yes, it's very possible they will bite each other. It's also possible they will do more than just a little bite. Chins can be vicious if they don't want a cagemate, so you need to be really alert when you introduce them. Always try and do it when you are going to have a couple days at home, so you can monitor the situation before returning to work or school. Also, even though you want them to go together, and even though they might get along for a while, you always need to keep a spare cage handy, just in case 3 years down the road they decide they don't like each other. Getting them separated quickly could make the all the difference in keeping one of them alive.