Introducing a pair of chins.

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Hello, I am new to this forum, but I have a problem with introducing two new chins to an older one.

We had 2 chins, Mika Mae and Jabba Jenkins. We had Mika for a year before we got Jabba to keep her company. We did this because when we were gone for more than a couple days, she would get very upset with us. We introduced Jabba in a cage side by side for a week and a half and did a neutral zone introduction. Mika mounted Jabba a bit, but soon after a couple play times (and a car ride together) they got along beautifully for over 2 years. A few weeks ago, Jabba died of a heart/lung ailment - she had seizures since she was little and even though we gave her meds through out her life, she would occasionally still have one. We tried to save her, but the vet couldn't and the only thing they could find was that her lungs and heart were not right in the x rays - everything else was fine.

So Mika immediately goes into a depression. Lying flat with her head on stuff- just breaking our hearts. She won't come out of her cage and she is just lying in one spot. So we decide to get a chinchilla for company. Anyhow, as soon as we bring the two home, Mika perks up and watches them. (put their cage in front of hers.) After a week, we give a playtime.

Mika gets along great with one of the chins (Jar Jar), but fights with the dominate of the two new chins (Sparticus). Since this time, we have moved in Jar Jar with Mika and they are living fine- they groom each other and kiss each other and snuggle up. I still am struggling with having Mika and Sparticus together. The battles escalated from standing up at each other to then standing and leaping at each other (aerial combat). Of course I separated them after the first aerial attack. After more time, they just seem to have it out for one another. In a duel play time, they will ignore each other and then one will stealthly run over and jump on the the back of the other and then the one who was "attacked" chases the attacker away. It is back and forth with each getting fur taken by the other. I do not know what to do. I have dusted them in the same bath house to mix scents and have locked them in a caged area next to one another, but they just ignore each other.

I am worried that a three chin introduction is harder than a one on one? Or maybe it is just the combination of personalities? I know they like other chins though because Jar Jar gets along with both of them because she is submissive. I don't know whether it is a domination issue that no one will declare fealty to the other. I am looking for some tips on what to try next.

Should I dab vanilla on the noses of each at the next mutual playtime? Trim the whiskers of one or both? Put them in a "side by side cage" and take them for a car ride (stressful situation to bond them)? I really love both of these chins, but something has to give. I really think it is a domination issue- Mika is much bigger than Sparticus, but Sparticus has agility that I have never seen before in a chinchilla. They have never drawn blood from each other so I have not given up hope yet.

The cage I have for the chins I built. It is 18 inches deep, 7 feet high (4 shelves with tubes in one level), and 5 feet wide with a plexi-glass front that can be slid out and a small door across the bottom for access in and out. So I know the cage is big enough for three chins to live in there if they can get along. Right now I have Mika and Jar Jar in there and I am keeping Sparticus in a small travel cage that is 10"X12"X30". I really want them all to live peacefully together, but am starting to doubt that this will happen.

Thanks for any advice,
First - Is Sparticus a male? Or does she just have a male sounding name? (Jar-Jar and Jabba are male names to me :) ).

The odds of you putting a single chin in with a pair of established chins is so-so. Established pairs don't always take kindly to having new friends join in. It also sounds as though Mika has serious dominance/territorial issues. Instead of trying to introduce them, why not get Mika a stuffed buddy to cuddle with. It may just be that she wants some company, and stuffed friends work pretty well for chins that have problems being playing well with others. If she doesn't perk up after that, then you can try trimming all of their whiskers, putting vanilla on all of them, and throwing them in a cat carrier for a half an hour or so ride. I doubt you have show cages, and that would be my first choice, so the car ride will have to do.

First though, I would try the stuffie. If you try and get them all to get along, you may end up with 3 single chins. Once chins fight, it's really hard for them to forgive the other chin, and Jar-Jar and Sparticus may end up in the same boat as Mika.
First - Is Sparticus a male? Or does she just have a male sounding name? (Jar-Jar and Jabba are male names to me :) ).

They are all females and Sparticus and Jar Jar were together for about a month before we got them. Jar Jar is now living with Mika Mae and getting along GREAT, but Mika and Sparticus are not getting along so I have kept them separate.

Instead of trying to introduce them, why not get Mika a stuffed buddy to cuddle with.

We tried this. She doesn't like stuffed animals. She puts them in a corner out of the house and totally ignores them. She did this to one before she paired up with Jabba. With Jabba and now Jar Jar she cuddles up and grooms them and gives them kisses.

If she doesn't perk up after that, then you can try trimming all of their whiskers, putting vanilla on all of them, and throwing them in a cat carrier for a half an hour or so ride.

Would I need to trim Jar Jar's whiskers since she gets along fine with both Mika Mae and Sparticus?

Also, it seems like it is a back and forth thing with Sparticus and Mika Mae that even when one is nice the other is not.

Should I just work on bonding the two of them or should I work on all three at the same time?
I think you should follow tunes's advice and trim the whiskers of all three of your girls, put all of them in a totally new, neutral zone (no mixing scents, they will compete for territory), put vanilla on all three, and supply them with lots of toys and a brand new dust bath when they're in the new neutral zone--after the car ride, that is.
I think that the thing with the whiskers is that Jar-Jar might be submissive now, but if she sees that she's got the biggest whiskers, she might be quick to take advantage and try to dominate both Sparticus and Mika.
I think you should follow tunes's advice and trim the whiskers of all three of your girls, put all of them in a totally new, neutral zone (no mixing scents, they will compete for territory), put vanilla on all three, and supply them with lots of toys and a brand new dust bath when they're in the new neutral zone--after the car ride, that is.
I think that the thing with the whiskers is that Jar-Jar might be submissive now, but if she sees that she's got the biggest whiskers, she might be quick to take advantage and try to dominate both Sparticus and Mika.

This advice sounds good and I want to try it, but...

I am worried about putting them together for the car ride. When they get close to each other they start their bickering and fighting. If I put them in quickly and move them out to the car ASAP will that keep them from attacking each other?
I cannot think of a single chin who has fought on a car ride. They are so stressed out by being put in the carrier, then the drive, that they pay no attention to the other chins.
I cannot think of a single chin who has fought on a car ride. They are so stressed out by being put in the carrier, then the drive, that they pay no attention to the other chins.

Thanks! This is good to know. I have used the car ride before, but that was when Mika was always bickering at Jabba back about 2 years ago.