Interesting Wheel and Litter Occurances

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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So I left Winston with my cousin this past week while I was out of town, and changed out his cake walk wheel for his old flying saucer. His cake walk is attached to the cage, and I thought the saucer would be a lot easier for my cousin to clean. Winston, who wheels on anything and has completly forgotten to use his litter box in the last year used nothing but while he was there. There wasn't one spot on the saucer, and my cousin didn't have to clean it once. I kept the flying saucer in last night to see what he would do, and sure enough, he used only his litter box again. I know he wheeled too, cos I can hear him. Anyone had anything similar?? I kind of like not having to scrub out a wheel daily, so I wonder what the difference is. Before he got his cake walk, he was slowly forgetting about the litter box, but he would use it on occasion.

I had two that gave up the litter box when they got a cake walk. I know it was because they no longer had their litter box under the wheel. I changed out the round base to a conventional pipe frame so they could have their litter box back but they never went back to using it.

I hope Winston will keep using his litter box.
I've got a pan under both the litter box and wheel (an old baking sheet that fit), but there's only litter in the corner box. I hope he stays with the litter box too. I'm leaving his poops a day or so as a reminder. Fingers crossed!!!
