Info about Coccidia please!

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2012
Lexington KY
What are possible signs of this and how could chins get something like this? Is it serious? I know its treatable but how would one contact this? Thanks again.
The two cases I personally know about picked it up from a sick kitten. While the chins were never directly exposed to the kitten, there was a lot of foot traffic through their play area and since the kitten had diarrhea, it was most likely tracked into their room on people's shoes. These two chins were caught very early and aggressively treated but both died anyway. The coccidia and or treatment (Albon) did too much damage to their intestinal tracts.

First symptoms were wet poop with a strong odor and appetite change.
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It could definitely come from feces from another infected animal. Also, dirty conditions can make it so much worse. Contaminated water and environment are causes for sure! There are some chin breeders/rescues that do not treat their animals and pass this on to unsuspecting owners. It is very contagious and chins will pass it to other chins with minimal contact.

Albon is probably the best treatment, as stated before. Coccidia can cause extremely bad diarrhea, it seems to take down chins very quickly. Any chin suspected of having coccidiosis should go to the vet immediately and be tested and then be treated immediately 2 to 3 times a day with Albon (the albon suspension is the easiest way to go.)
So this is very serious...maybe so more than Gardia. OMG, well Im praying to God that this is not anything, just been noticing smaller poops with mine and seems some seem a little slimy but maybe its just the moisture and the other day I thought It may have had a slight smell. They have no diarrhea and I may be crazy but I could swear I smelled a little something but nothing terrible. So definate number one thing is diarrhea? Decreased appetite?? Anything else? I have no other animals in my house but they do run around my living room which sometimes shoes are worn but for the most part no shoes? Could they have caught it from us wearing shoes in the house where they play?
AZ chins if you look at this post again please if you would tell me the thing you said you do to treat small poops as well. I remember a couple days ago you stated you had a method of your own treatment with that, thank you so much
If you suspect you are dealing with a parasite like giardia or coccidia, it is simple and inexpensive to have a vet look at the poop. It is the fastest and surest way to identify it or eliminate it as the cause for small poops. If it is a parasite, treatment should be started immediately and not wait for other symptoms.