I'm so creeped out I cant sleep!

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Michelle (:

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2009
Chicago suburbs
Tonight I was asleep and I woke up and I notice someone standing over me breathing heavy and rubbing their head mumbling. So I toss and turn pretending to sleep, thinking he would think I was waking up, hoping he would leave. He quick runs out closing the door patially and I see him looking through the crack. He comes in a couple secs later and is standing over me. I toss and turn some more and he leaves quietly. I open my door and see him sitting at the computer looking at me and I ask why hes on the computer and he gets up and walks away to his room. I know he wasnt on it, his account wont let him on past 11pm and it was 1:30am. I'm just REALLYYYYY creeped out, I dont know WHAT he was doing in there WHILE I was sleeping. I don't even know how long he was in there! I can't sleep and don't know what to do.
Who is "he"? Do you know who he is? If it is a family member, I would confront him privately and tell him not to enter your room again uninvited or you will talk to your parents about it. If it is a total stranger.......call the police. Also, could it be that "he" was sleepwalking?
Oh yeah sorry, I forgot to say it was my brother. He never goes in my room because he knows I would go crazy on him, I hate when people go in my room, its my space. I dont know why he would go in there though in the middle of the night while I'm sleeping.
That is kind of weird. Did he talk to you at all when any of it was occuring? He very well could have been sleep walking. I'd ask him straight out "why were you in my room in the middle of the night last night?" If he was sleep walking he probably won't even remember or will recall it only after you bring it up. Or he may have woken up when you asked him why he was on the computer. He was probably confused and didn't know why himself and that's why he just went to bed. I'd ask him about it. One of my sons always sleep walks. He does all sorts of weird things in his sleep: talks, walks, eats, crys. It's pretty strange. Sometimes I can't tell if he's sleeping or awake.
My brother used to come in my room at night and make sure I was sleeping like that. His intent was to find my wallet and steal my credit card OR return my credit card that he had stolen before - he would go to Burger King with it because he was a giant jerk thief.

I hope that your brother hasn't started to take your things.
Yikes I would be creeped out too, obviously if he was sleep walking he couldn't help it but thats still scary.
Get a lock on your door and use it! You should never just lay there when you know someone uninvited is in your room, even if it is a family member. You needed to sit up and ask him what was wrong, and what he needed. Don't play dead or faint sleep in situations like this--your life could depend on it.
Well, If he was asleep, talking to him could wake him up, and waking a sleep walker is not good.

I would confront him, in a nice way, since you dont know what was really going on, and ask him what's up.

I think, I would also tell someone else in the house, and get a lock. That would have scared the CRAP out of me! I dont blame you for not being able to sleep!!! How freakin scarey!!!

My sister used to sleep walk, and I was 2 floors below her and she would come in and go through my drawers and say she wanted food, and then would climb in my bed with me.
I don't think it was sleep walking JMO. It wouldn't be the first time a brother sexually assaulted his sister, or killed his family. Does he have mental illness, started a new medication, taking any medication, use drugs or alcohol? You need to tell your family. If they won't listen tell the police or somebody. Get your door locked and get pepper spray. Do you know self defense, maybe now is a good time to learn.
There's all kinds of things out there that can help! Bells on the doorknob that fall when the knob is turned, a wedge that stops the door from opening and has an alarm, and even a pole that wedges under a doorknob to keep it from opening at all! A chair even!
For piece of mind, at least, I'd get it handled A.S.A.P. !!
yeah.. that does sound kind of creepy and not really normal for a brother to do..
Especially since when you got up he pretended to be on the computer..
Happened to me aswell :D different version though
I woke up with someone standing behind me. I noticed he/she was bend over.
I jumped up and got hold of an arm, quickly twisted it behind the back and switched on the light with my free hand.

Turns out it was my dad. Scared as **** :D
Yeah that's very creepy.

The only time my brother has stood over me when I was sleeping was to wake me up at 10AM by hitting me with a pillow....

I agree, get a lock. I lock my door every night even though I am alone 5 days out of the week; it just gives me some peace of mind.
1) Shove a wedge under the door from the inside.
2) Attach of these on the inside of the door frame: http://www.metacafe.com/watch/893141/5_dollar_burglar_alarm/ That way, you get noise and a warning if he tries to open the door or manages to push past the wedge (which might happen depending on what kind of carpet you have). The noise might wake him up enough if he's sleep walking that you don't have to fuss, and if he's intentionally in there on your computer for some other reason, you and your parents have an instant alert to it.
It seems like you're living at home - did you tell your parents?
You should at least ask him his intentions, to make him aware that you know he was there!
Were you alright last night?
Your story became less creepy when I found out it was your brother, but still, what a CREEPER!!

I'm a sleepwalker, and I frequently will jump out of bed, turn on lights, and run out of the room. My husband usually has to wake me up. He could have been having a very vivid night terror (worse than a nightmare - hard to wake up from), but still...

If he has any past history of drug use or anything like that, I would be greatly concerned and inform anyone else living in the house of his nighttime wanderings; he could be having an episode or a flashback. If he is a sleepwalker, locks on any bedroom door (including his) would be an excellent idea!
I asked him about it and he said he doesnt remember anything, so I think he was sleep walking. It was very creepy though, especially when he gets mad and threatens me thats what I first thought when I saw him in there...hes only in the 8th grade so I dont think he does drugs or drinks alcohol but he does have anger issues which scare the bajeezes out of me when he gets mad at me for no reason.