I'm sick, should I stay away from my chins?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I'm not sure if I have a cold or allergies. It's pretty much sneezing, coughing, congestion. I have been feeding my chins, but other than that have not been holding/playing with them the past few days. I'm afraid of making them sick. Can chins catch illness from humans?
Chins can catch URIs from humans, wash the hands well before handling their food and just keep away from them as much as possible, its better safe than sorry since URIs can be swift and fatal.
agreed. human colds can easily be transferred to chins.

i'm sick right now, with what may be mild bronchitis that started as a cold. my poor chins have only seen me long enough the past few days to make sure they have food, hay, and water. i feel so bad, but i have to stay away!

when i do have to go into the chin room for the few minutes it takes to check in on them, i wash my hands really well first, and i tie a bandana around my face, covering my nose and mouth, to ensure no germs get passed in case i have to cough or sneeze.
This really is a common sense question, isn't it? If you were sick, would you go around babies? Would you go around the elderly? To me it's the same as going around a caged animal. If you're sick, don't. If you have to, wear a mask.

There are about a zillion threads on here addressing this question. Do a search and I'm sure you'll find them.