I'm scared.

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
I don't know if this is worth a thread or not, but I'm am just so nervous. My chin Ellie was from a pet store and I have already lost a baby from that same store, possibly a brother or father, I don't know. But I am very sure that it was to Malo that I lost him. Today I found a little bit of something on Ellie's cheek/chin area, i don't know if it was grease from me holding her, water or slobber. Just on one side of her cheek, I'm watching her really close, but should I just continue watching her and take her in if it continues or should I make an appointment with a vet in Denver, from what I know there is a vet there that is good with chins. I wouldn't get so worked up over this normally but with her history, i just don't know. The thought of losing her just made me cry. What should I do?
If you're that worked up and get into Alameda East (the Denver chin vet I assume you're talking about?), it might be worth it just for the peace of mind. With you worried and watching her like a hawk, the change in routine/attention could cause problems if there aren't any already.

An initial vet visit also sets up a base line for x-rays etc. if you suspect there might be tooth problems down the road.
If there is a concern, start weighing her daily, look for slow weight loss a few grams a day, watch how she eats, watch if she starts not eating something she loved. Pull her lips up and down, look for any moisture on the incisors and rub your finger across the front of the lips and look for moisture. Look for mouth swiping during eating-the chin will slowly nibble on a pellet, wince, drop the pellet, swipe the mouth a few times and run away. Watch water intake, watch for her not sleeping in a favorite place she always sleeps, look for moisture around the fur of the eyes, look for a choking motion while eating. As a whole set of symptoms these are classic malo, just one or two may or may not be malo or a dental issue. Weight loss is the key, watch for it.
Okay, thanks Dawn, she seems to be eating okay, when I fed her lest night. And I'll start weighing her :] Thanks!