I don't know if this is worth a thread or not, but I'm am just so nervous. My chin Ellie was from a pet store and I have already lost a baby from that same store, possibly a brother or father, I don't know. But I am very sure that it was to Malo that I lost him. Today I found a little bit of something on Ellie's cheek/chin area, i don't know if it was grease from me holding her, water or slobber. Just on one side of her cheek, I'm watching her really close, but should I just continue watching her and take her in if it continues or should I make an appointment with a vet in Denver, from what I know there is a vet there that is good with chins. I wouldn't get so worked up over this normally but with her history, i just don't know. The thought of losing her just made me cry. What should I do?