I'm looking for another girlie pig....

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Poppy the mosaic squibbit
Jan 29, 2009
Farm country, Northern Illinois
Okay. I am going to try again. I have one girlie guinea pig and I am going to get her a sister. I hope to heck I don't have a bad experience again. I can't believe how sweet guinea pigs are and I don't know why I waited so long to get one when I've wanted one for a couple years now. I'm looking on Craigslist, the local shelters and ads in the newspapers. I'll let you all know when I find a new one.
Yeah, Susan, right on that page! *shudders* hairless rats, I can do. Not hairless piggies though! Good luck Carol with your new search!
What? Don't you want the bald one I showed you? Hehe

ETA, Here ya go Susan..

What? They actually have a page up for that? Wow. That isn't the bestest looking little piggie...they need fuzz!

Yes, bald animals freak me out a little bit. I'd also be worried they were constantly cold. I can't get out of my mind Menagerie (I think it was her) had a bald rat named Balzack. :vomit:
Yes, bald animals freak me out a little bit. I'd also be worried they were constantly cold. I can't get out of my mind Menagerie (I think it was her) had a bald rat named Balzack. :vomit:
Hey now, Balzac was a wonderful boy.