I'm honestly at a loss - Diesel.

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I bite.
Jan 29, 2009
Indianapolis, IN
Diesel had bumblefoot, healed up. Had an eye infection, which has been cleared up for a couple of days now. Now, his OTHER eye is infected.

I got home from work this afternoon to find his other eye swollen shut and looking red and irritated. I managed to get the eye open with saline and a wash cloth with warm water. There was a bit of goop in the eye which I washed with saline and applied his terramycin gel.

What could be causing all of this? Could it all be coincidence or is something wrong? His cage is kept clean to be sure his bumblefoot does not flare up, and his cage mate has no signs of any illnesses or infections.

Is he just a sickly chin? Could his immune system be suppressed or something? He has had something or another wrong with him for almost 2 months now. I hate that he's sick, I wish I could just get him better and STAY better.
How old is he Stacy? Is he eating well and everything else? What are you feeding? Is it possible that he could have food allergies? That could cause watering and sensitive skin... Watering eyes can get irritated easily.
He turned 1 on March 31st. Yes, he is eating, pooping, drinking, and otherwise a normal chin. He's on Oxbow, which he's been eating since I got him in November. He's done fine up until now.

Ollalie- I got the saline from work (I work at a vet office) but I'm pretty sure you can find it at Walmart or any pharmacy.
Poor Diesel. I'm so sorry to hear he is not feeling well again. What did his vet say about him being sick?
If he has problems after this clears up I'd maybe try a different food. I'd wait until this clears up though and see if it was just a run of bad luck or what not. Maybe the stress on the body from the bumble foot compromised his immune system leaving him more open to the eye infection which perhaps spread to the second eye right before the first one cleared up?
Stack - Get ahold of Spoof and ask her about the immune building stuff she uses. It sounds to me as though his immune system has taken a hit and now he's susceptible to everything and anything. The food allergy may be an issue, but I'd personally be more inclined to think there is something running through his body that hasn't been cleared completely but he's in a somewhat weakened state from prolonged illness.

I would also keep his dust baths to a minimum right now with the eye issue, and when you do offer it, make sure it's clean dust and in an open container.

ETA: Might want to check with Tanya and see what herbs her homeopathic vet recommends for the same thing. :)
Poor Diesel...
Certain hypovitaminosis, illness can weaken the immune system. Biotin deficiency may predispose to bumblefoot. Some diseases, including bumblefoot, may also impair the assessment of vitamin A that supports body's immune system.
If you need advice on what herbs to use or need a supplement that strengthens the immune system, just let me know :)
I would not supplement with isolated components (synthetic nutrients), body may deplete its own reserves trying to supply missing portions.
I think it's a good idea to get organic hays for Diesel, including some alfalfa.
Poor Diesel...
Certain hypovitaminosis, illness can weaken the immune system. Biotin deficiency may predispose to bumblefoot. Some diseases, including bumblefoot, may also impair the assessment of vitamin A that supports body's immune system.
If you need advice on what herbs to use or need a supplement that strengthens the immune system, just let me know :)
I would not supplement with isolated components (synthetic nutrients), body may deplete its own reserves trying to supply missing portions.
I think it's a good idea to get organic hays for Diesel, including some alfalfa.

Tanya, anything you can think of that would benefit him, let me know. I'll definitely get some for him and try it out.

Dawn, good thought. I'm sure he did itch his eyes with his feet, as the fur around them was matted down as if he had been scratching. The eye infections didn't start showing up until after his legs were better, but maybe he did get some of the little infection/bacteria that was left into his eye.
I would also keep his dust baths to a minimum right now with the eye issue, and when you do offer it, make sure it's clean dust and in an open container.

Additionally maybe offer less dust for awhile when you do offer them? One of ours has eye issues but she's fine if we just barely line the jar with dust.

Poor baby hope he gets better soon!
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Dangit, Stacie. Just when you think he's making big improvements, this happens. Well, they say it comes in 3's...so this should be it for you for a good long time. Hugs to you and Diesel!
I've looked for saline solution at wal-mart and i can only find the kind used for contacts... iono if thats okay, all of the solutions have something extra in em.

Starleomach- I've tried looking for that stuff everywhere I can't find it. Where do you get it from?