I'm going supplement crazy!!! HELP! please

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Active member
Jan 16, 2010
Washington State
First off thank you to all for helping me out. :help2:

Last January I adpoted to beautiful baby boys (who are doing amazing!) but when I received they came with a jar of Ryerson. And will they have run out and the website I was told to order from was EXTREMELY high charge for shipping. So after that long explantion my question is..... is there something that is similar to the ryerson that I could give them or is that the only option?
I'm getting really confused since there are so many other supplements out there and I want to give my babies the best

Again thank you for your help ;)
Chins on a high quality pellet and hay and are healthy do not need a supplement, that said did you order it from Ryersons? they ship flat rate, I have ordered the supplement in the past and the shipping was inline with shipping anything.

Yeah that's the website I was going to. Yesterday when I was getting supplies it had the shipping as $53.00 and the box was $30.00. I thought that it was on the little extreme side, but then again I don't usually order things online either, lol. And of course now that I try it again it doesn't show a cost for shipping. yeah.... I guess my blond is showing :)
I've ordered the Ryerson supplement before and it's $30 total and that includes the shipping for 10 pounds of the supplement. The first time I ordered I'd thought of only getting 1 pound and the shipping was almost 4 times the amount of the 1 lb. of supplement. So it's definitely worth it to get the 10 lb. flat rate box.