I'm frustrated

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i got a hedgie about 1 week ago and he is more bashful now then when i got him..his face is adorable the few times i've seen it..he wants nothing to do with me..he hisses/huffs and balls up all the time..his quills never lay down..will he ever relax?? what can i do??
How old is your new hedgehog? Is he a baby? Babies go through a time called quilling where they lose baby quills and grow in adult ones. This period of time can be very painful for them, and cause even the sweetest of hedgehogs to be real grouches. About all you can do for them is to continue to handle them, taking care to not rub their backs (as you can cause them discomfort). Also a bath with aveeno (or some other oatmeal wash) can help sooth the skin.
not sure exactly how old he is maybe about 12-14 weeks..i feel bad because i have been touching his quills alot, great i probably made him hate me..i put in my pajama top and he is ignoring it..i won't give up, i'm a little nervous about a bath..
Based on his age, I'm going to guess he may be quilling. Take a look between his quills, do you see new quills poking through? If so, then his behavior change is likely due to quilling.

I wouldn't beat yourself up over touching him. I doubt it has made him hate you. But if he is quilling, you may want to rub him less, as they can be more jumpy when quills are growing in. He still needs to be handled and interacted with regularly though.
i'll keep talking to him and being very gentle..i sure hope that's what it is..
ok i just had him on my lap on a blanket and i saw 12 quills on the blanket..i want to make him feel better - has anybody done the oatmeal bath, i don't want him to get chilled..i live in michigan and how does one dry off a pokey hedgie??
has anybody done the oatmeal bath, i don't want him to get chilled..i live in michigan and how does one dry off a pokey hedgie??

I usually put his blanket, or a large piece of fleece (whatever I'm using as a towel since real towels have annoying loops that catch hedgie toes) in the dryer before the bath. Then I usually hold the hedgie for a while after the bath in the warm blanket until he/she is dry (rotating him/her every ten minutes into a new dry section of the blanket). Eventually they get dry enough to return to their cage. :)
i chickened out of the bath, however it's suppose to be warm this afternoon so maybe then..
Use the time after a bath to cuddle with your hedgehog. I give baths in the evening, but I just ensure I have at least 1 hour to cuddle the hedgehogs in a warm snuggly blanket to give them plenty of time to dry before going back into their cages.
ok i gave him a footbath because his feet were all poopy, he didn't go crazy although i dont know if he liked it..i used a nice warm blanket afterward and he definitely liked that
I hope your baby is doing better now. Please give us an update. My hedgie - Heidi - is doing the same thing.