If you are versed in chinchilla medications and pregnant females please PM- EMERG!

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Jun 21, 2010
Please PM me if you are versed in prophylactic antibiotics in pregnant chinchillas. I need advice from a breeder with experience, I am seeing an exotic vet but my I would appreciate the help and advice of a fellow breeder with experience. I would like to discuss my case (I have a small herd of 8 chinchillas and 2 newborns) and I would like someone well versed in antibiotics and treatments to advise me.
It would be better to get your advice in open forum, that way if someone is giving you incorrect advice someone can tell you...Joe Schmo can PM you can say they are "experienced"...

Why do you want to give pregnant chins prophylactic antibiotics?
I can't imagine what prophylactic antibiotic a pregnant chinchilla would need, but feel free to post your questions here and we'll do our best to help you.
There are many good breeders on this forum and you will only get limited help by pm. What is wrong with your herd? Can you provide more details?