If looks could kill! - My new girl Ivy, and some of Flower

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<3s Flower and Ivy
Feb 11, 2009
North California
I broke down on a few things, chinchilla-wise.

Some of you might remember me and my boy from CnQ (BronsonChin and my mosaic, Flower). He was my main boy for over a year now. I broke down and decided that Flower REALLY needed a friend... a friend that was in another cage, where he can't see, a friend he wants nothing to do with..... okay, she was all for me.

She's a little over two months old, with a very long name. Ivy Daisy Bulbasaurus. It was a joke with a friend, that developed after a very funny conversation. But it stuck. I just call her Ivy though.

And lord is she a BRAT! She's got LOADS of attitude. The other night, she was grooming my cheek, being sooo sweet... and then, out of no where, she changes her mind and bites my nose, HARD. Left two nice red teeth marks.

I also broke down and spent all my leftover cash on a ferret nation. You'll see in the pictures it's still got the plastic ledges and such - no worries guys, they're not chewing them so they'll be fine until I get some new ledges cut. There's also not much in the cages yet either because I spent all my money on the cage... and therefore have to wait till my next check for toys. :(

And here is little miss Ivy! I work long hours to afford toys for her, I buy her a nice big cageee, in between notes in my night classes I sewed herthat pretty little house that she ADORES,... and this is the look I get! Ah yes, if looks could kill...


And again - she loves my handywork here, but is clearly telling me to watch out.

Picking out the goodies!

More in next post.
She loveddd those scratches - then she barked at me afterwards. Haha.

At least Flower appreciates my hard work! He loves the pillow I made him.

Didn't quite grasp the fleece house concept though..

I also took a video of Ivy... to show her being a brat. She was barking and jumping around being hyper, just cracking me up.

Isn't she?! She'll definitely be keeping me on my toes - she's already just spoiled rotten. You only hear it a little in the video but she's sooo talkative.
LMAO - Thats so funny!! I love watching videos like that. Macy does that too if I touch him on the back, he doesn't like it and also makes a lot of sounds...He's a chatter too.

I seen the link the 2nd time I came back - Sorry. Thanks Essentia :D
I think you should enter Ivy in the Popcorning Olympics :rofl:

She's a real doll :heart3:
Thanks for all the comments guys. I love her bounces too - there is sawdust ALL over my room from her running and jumping and spinning around. She's in my room, so I come home to sawdust all over my bed. Silly girl.
They are so sweet! I love the first one, in the fleece hidey house.:heart3:

Congrats on the FN! Did you take out the ramp tho? I'm not so worried about the shelves, but the ramps are a broken leg waiting to happen.
LOL! Great pics, I just LOVE the first one, if looks could kill, definetly!! Reminds me of my mom's Jinx... same exact death look, haha...