I was positive I was going to lose my dog

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Kalandra said it best :)

I am glad shes feeling more comfortable with the medicine. For however long shes here: Love her....hugs to you
Enjoy every moment you have left with her. If she continues to show signs of improvement, then it is worth it to have her with you. When the time comes that the medication is no longer working, you will then have to make the tough decision to put her out of her suffering...but that is NOT now. Enjoy your beautiful dog/friend and make the end of her life extraordinarily special!

I found her on my bed again :) I've started using bed pads made for humans instead. They are cheaper in the long run, and much bigger than puppy pads. I've actually tucked a pad under my sheet. Sakura snuck into bed with me the other might and peed all over my $800 mattress that isn't paid off :p thank goodness for mattress covers!
She looks pretty happy still to me. Being in bed seems like a pretty happy place to snuggle with her mom too.
Thanks everyone! I'm so happy she seems to be feeling better! My family is going on vacation in June for a week to North Carolina. Unfortunately I can't take her with me. My mom said I have to put her down before vacation. If she is still doing well, I wouldn't have the heart to put her down. I contacted my vet about boarding her. As many meds as she is on, I wouldn't trust anyone else to watch her. Would it be selfish to keep her at the vets office while I am on vacation? I'm trying to think ahead, but in reality I don't know if she will still be with me then.
i dont think its really selfish as long as shes not in pain or suffering.

i know i have no right to say this but i dont think it is right for your mother to give you a deadline to put her down. it seems kinda harsh.
I wouldn't have any fun on vacation if I had just been forced to put my pet down. I thought money was an issue, I'm sure boarding will be expensive. If I had to I would rather stay home myself. jmo
I'd rather stay home with a sick pet, that's just me. Nothing can replace them or the memories you've had with them, but you can take a vacation anytime with a little planning. If I did go, I wouldn't have any fun worrying about them. Heck, whenever we go on vacation and everyone is happy and healthy I'm still on the verge of tears because I know I'll be missing them lol!
I'd stay home with her. She will not always be here, and you can always reschedule your vacation. That's just me though.
Thank you everyone for your opinions. I will see how she is in a month before making any decisions.

Some updated pictures of my girl:



From her car ride the other day :) She LOVES to ride in the car.


Zonking out last night after a movie.

I'm happy to report she is doing very well! She is acting like herself again. A bit more tired, but just as excited. She goes outside several times a day.

She is also much more stubborn than she used to be ;)