I was hoping for twins and got sextuplets

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Wow, Cat, congratulations on a beautiful litter!!! You got twins times three! I wonder if she'll set another record for you next time?
I am the one who has a female from Shoots that came out of a litter of six - six females. He never had to supplement. Though he tried several times - just to make sure
Wow! One heck of a momma there! I hope everyone continues to be happy and healthy!!

Congrats Cat!
Congrats Cat! Hope everything continues to go well for Mom and all 6 kits!
Congratsulations! I had a litter of 6 about 5 years ago but the weights were not near as good as your babies....They are adorable!
SIX! Woof. And a first time mom. Dang, that IS a load! I hope they are doing well? Good luck with them! I know you waited a long time for s/c kits, but six at one time is QUITE the "bonus".

Hang in there, momma & babies! And sleepless Cat & Bill!
Unfortunately she is not able to nurse all of them. It did not take long for them to start fighting after birth. I have been rotating them and helping with feeding. Sadly the smallest of the group did not make it through the night.
Holy Cow,,,, poor little mama and you. Sigh!

Does that mean I should wish for one's only.

Good Luck sweety, but they are a decent weight for six!
Someone will have to verify this, but I think I remember there was a litter of 7 born to a rescue back on CnQ... one of them didn't make it but the other six were handraised and eventually adopted out. If I'm remembering right...

At any rate, good luck Cat. I, too, look forward to hearing of their progress.
Someone will have to verify this, but I think I remember there was a litter of 7 born to a rescue back on CnQ... one of them didn't make it but the other six were handraised and eventually adopted out. If I'm remembering right...
You are correct, Mish.
I am hoping and praying that the rest make it just fine. I am so sorry for your loss of the little one. From the first picture, it looks like the smallest is the one off to the left by herself, with an all white face. They all looks so sweet, please keep us posted.
So sorry to hear about the smallest. Hope the rest do wonderfully!
Sorry to hear about the little one Cat. Bless its little heart. The ground pellets and the powder goats milk was my saving grace with the quads. It really helped out so much. Good luck hon.

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