I want to donate Mazuri pellets...

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I didn't know if I was allowed to post this in the rescue section, so I figured I'd put it here and whoever saw it could give me advice.

I have 1 chinchilla and still have barely begun on the 25 lbs of Mazuri pellets I bought about a week ago. Someone on here gave me an idea to donate some, but the one rescue I emailed near me has not gotten back to me yet. I'm willing to send like 10 pounds, I pay everything. I know I could sell it on ebay or something, but I know lots of rescues could use a little help so I'd seriously rather do that.

It's one huge bag, so it'd be in a different package-you can tell me exactly how to pack it and send it so I do it right. I'll give you any info you want on it. So if any rescues use Mazuri and could use it, I'd be super happy to help! I'm in New Jersey, so it'd be nice if they weren't 1,000 miles away (single mom, lol), but if that's the only place who needs it or wants it, I'll do it.
Donating it is a kind and generous way to get rid of some surplus food. Contact Menagerie here on CnH. She would probably be thankful to receive that donation for Wee Companions, a small animal rescue in San Diego. Wee Companions is my favorite animal rescue and I've never even been there. :)
If you ship flat rate, it'll be the same price no matter where it goes. Personally, I would donate it to a rescue that could benefit more from it. Since food has an expiration date, I would send it to a rescue that can use it immediately. Menagerie in CA could definitely use it and distribute it to others in need around her. There is also Susan (AZChins) who has something like 100+ rescues and she feed all of her chins Mazuri. Either of those two would benefit the most from a donation of food. ;)
They need it more than I do, though I do appreciate the mention. I only feed Mazuri to one chin here and that's because he refuses to eat anything else. Everyone else here is on PRCS. I would also say Menagerie or AZChins would be the best choices.
I have like 4.5 lbs of Mazuri that is fairly fresh since I switched food only a month ago or less. If any rescues would like it, they should tell me and I will send it for free when I get back in town (on vacation now).
Whimsy from Menagerie contacted me and said she's in need of it, so I'll send it to her. I just have soooo much of the stuff. It'd take Sunny forever to eat it all, lol! She also talked me into possibly making a trip down there in the next few months to adopt one of her boys, lol! She said the carride wouldn't be a problem:) I'm looking to adopt a boy soon, so I'm all for it, plus some alone time with my boyfriend...hmmm...:D We never get ennough of that, so I'll knock him out and stick him in my trunk if I have to:pillowfight:
Oh, no, this ones in Virginia, lol! Oops, wrong menagerie!