i think my chin sprained her foot?!

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Aug 24, 2009
so i went to pick my little white girl up and she squealed in pain...on closer examination i could see her foot is a little bloody and very swollen...she can hop on it, and part of it is still open....i want to clean it before it closes with infection..what is safe what isnt??!! i dont want this to turn into a huge infection...can i put hydrogen peroxide on it then...maybe neosporin..and wrap it or ANYTHING?!..please any advice is much needed right now..
thank you all so much,
erika...worried at home :(
For right now I hope you can put her in a small carrier to limit her movement. If not remove what you can to keep her on the floor. You can see how fragile their bones are so it is likely broken. She absolutely needs to see a vet in the morning. I don't know you but so many people want to save money and treat at home, but honestly wouldn't you want to go to the ER if you broke your foot? Hopefully you can keep her by herself until you see the vet. Where are you at? There is a list of good vets here on the forum.
no hydrogen peroxide or neosporin. Keep her in a small carrier where she cannot jump. If you can't remove the shelves in her cage so she can't jump. You can try to just wrap it however I doubt she'll keep it on, she'll probably remove it. Without knowing how deep of a wound this is or how it occurred it's difficult to say what to do. With smalls cuts and scraps the best thing to use is blu-kote which can be found at tractor supply places or feed stores. If she is in pain though a vet visit is necessary in order for her to get pain meds--and only a vet can determine if the leg is broken.
If she's crying out in pain, she needs to go to the vet. At this point, only a vet can determine through x-ray whether it is a sprain or a break. Regardless, your chin will need pain medication. Do you have Metacam on hand?

If your chin is in pain, their appetite will decline and you will have even more serious issues to deal with.
I just don't understand. This person hasn't been on since they posted at 11:51 last night. If you are checking these answers offline can you please update us. If you cannot afford her vet care PM me and maybe I can someone who can help the chin.
The OP contacted me that night and I recommended her to clean the area with antibacterial soap and water and to get Blu-Kote to apply to the wound until she can see the vet for x-rays. She put her in a small carrier and I told her to use paper towels instead of shavings. I talked to her yesterday and she said the foot is indeed broken. She called around vets in Modesto and said many do not see chinchillas or are too expensive so I recommended her my two vets, Dr. Turner in Lodi and Dr. Koski in Manteca, who both are experienced in exotics, as well as the vet clinic in Modesto, Village oak Veterinary Hospital, I used to go to, although I am not sure if they still have a chin-experienced vet there (Dr. Danielson was my old chin vet from there).

I also told her to look into Care Credit to help make the vet bill payments more managable.

I hope her little girl is doing okay. I haven't heard any updates since yesterday.