I swore never again.

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the dreamer
Feb 25, 2010
South Central PA
Before I had chinchillas, I had a pet rat named Lemmiwinks (I thought the name was cute). When she had to be put down due to tumors that grew so fast I didn't want her to be in pain when they ulcerated. It was the hardest day of my life when I had her put down.

Anyway, it hurt so much that I swore I'd never get rats again.


My friend had two rats, then got three more because his cousin didn't want them anymore. All five rats were being housed in a too-small cage and this caused them to fight. So my friend wanted to get rid of the three rats. One went to a breeder and the other two were destined to be python food.

I had previously pet and played with these rats, so I had a minor attachment to them. If I don't personally know an animal, I'm not too upset when they go as snake food (snakes need to eat too, plus usually snake-food animals are kept in horrible conditions anyway).

Soooo. Now I have two rat girls.
Congratulations on your new girls. I have always loved rats too and it's so hard that they aren't around for that long. However I know these two will do great in your care.

What are their names and do you have any pictures?
They don't have names yet, and I'll have pictures up tonight. I didn't want to bother them too much the first night, although they are very curious girls and have already climbed out of their cage and onto my lap all on their own. They are both very sweet!
The prospect of losing an animal is hard no matter what the species, though some species make it harder. Taking care of any animal will make you vulnerable to that so swearing off one species might not do too much to help. Either way, thinking about it as you gave them a life they deserved and the care they needed sometimes makes the sting dull a bit.

I don't think you'll regret it (not that you do now) and I'm sure you'll have fun with them. YAY for ratties!!
I used to have a rat girl named Eek. She was so sweet. Losing any pet is hard, I bawled for days after my hamsters died.

You can give them a great life now :)
LOL! ALL of us say the same..But they make their way into our lives one way or another! Pictures? ;)
I still miss my Florence:cry3: even though she was "just" a hamster. I'd had her since she was an eensy nekkid jelly bean squirming around under her momma! Actually, I bought her momma during the pregnancy, so I'd had her since before she was born!
Small animals are so sweet. I would like a pair of rats to be my next pet(s). Gotta wait til I'm outta my mom's house though. :impatient:
Rats are awesome and such little characters. I didn't mean to be negative as I had rats for years and have many happy memories. I know these guys are in a good home and am happy for everyone.