I heart Leonard
I feel like I'm in a parallel universe or something! I mention my disgust and thorough distaste with some not great authors (IMO) having their books made into movies and listed Nicolas Sparks, J K Rowling and Stephanie Meyer and Rebecca hasn't even jumped on me yet?! I'm shocked! Rebecca are you out there? Are you okay? Do the pod people have you?!
Seriously I really like my Beks but I thought for sure she would not be liking that comment I made!
I'm just waiting for some real good book talent such as Jami Alden, Lorelei James, and for paranormal--you want to talk REAL vampires how about JR Ward and Cynthia Eden to have their books put into film.
Then again maybe anything in our mind is better than anything we can see put on film!
Seriously I really like my Beks but I thought for sure she would not be liking that comment I made!
I'm just waiting for some real good book talent such as Jami Alden, Lorelei James, and for paranormal--you want to talk REAL vampires how about JR Ward and Cynthia Eden to have their books put into film.
Then again maybe anything in our mind is better than anything we can see put on film!