At least once a week I see a new listing for a single or bonded pair of chins on craigslist in my area. More often than not they have plastic shelves, paper litter, no wood to chew, a plastic wheel that's too small, mesh floors or ramps, dustbath left in the house, or obvious they never get a dust bath, or some other issues. As much as I would love to rescue/adoptor start a sanctuary for all of them, the people in my area ask for $400 or so for the chin and set up. They claim to have paid $250 for the chin (extra because its not a standard!) and that the cage and supplies they paid over $300 for. If they did they were ripped off cause the small cages are no more than $90 new and plenty go for 30-50 used in the area. I cant afford to save all the chins by paying $400 and then having to get new cages and everything anyways.
I try to post educational stuff every once in a while in case someone's looking to get one of them and get tons of thanks from other worried chin owners. Usually if I try to contact current owners they dont care because they're over the chin already :/ I wish there was some sort of animal education for the public or maybe in schools- like an elective or something. And I wish craigslist owners that want to turn around and get rid of the pet they just got could get it back to the previous owner or petstore or something.