I need some advice

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Ok so Last week I was pleasently suprised with two baby kits. One beigh and one standard grey both males. Yesterday the beigh one's eye was gunked up. I called the vet she said to simply and easily with a warm wet washcloth dab at it till all the matter was off so I did. This morning it was the same way. We took it into the vet and she put a drop in it and said that he sould be fine. Well tonight it was crusted over again and had white puss comming off with the matter. Any suggestions. The vet said that even with this that it is normal and he should be fine as long as he is still nursing. He is still nursing and about the same size as his brother only a couple ghrams lighter but not as active. Not sure what to do if i should seek another opinion or stay with what she advised. I have raised 6 babies and never had this so I am at a loss here. .:hair:
You probably should get some saline solution and do a really thorough job on cleaning up that eye. Clean all the puss and gunk out of it...make sure to get that little eye open, as well. It may help to get some cotton balls and clean it up with the saline really well. I wish you were closer because I would have you bring the baby here so I could do it for you. :)

The white puss is a sign of infection. With a tiny baby the only thing you can do is clean it up. In a couple weeks if it hasn't gone back to normal, you can go to the vet for some antibiotic cream or eye drops. Right now the baby is too small for that and the mama will eat it right off. Saline solution helps with the infection, war, epsom salt compresses on the eye can work just as well. The warm water on a wash cloth won't help to really clean out that eye or inhibit the bacteria like saline solution or epsom salts will.
You can put drops in it now. I've used drops on kits as early as the day after they were born. I wouldn't use ointment, but the drops are pretty quick and easy. Clean the eye up, get it open, and see if you can get some Tobramycin drops. :)
Shouldn't she give it a bit before using them? I'm a little hesitant to put any type of antibacterial drops or creams on a new baby just because the kit may not react very well with it. Are the Tobramycin drops prescription from the vet? I generally get the gentamycin drops from the vet for eye problems with the older chins, the ointments are difficult to use with chins for all the obvious reasons. :)

I only clean up the eyes until the chins are about a month old, that has always worked well.
For me it depends on the degree of infection. When I open an eye and nothing but white gunk keeps spilling out, I use the drops. They are a prescription med, but you can also get them other places as well. I've seen them for sale at a couple places on line. Gentamycin works too, but I get the Tobramycin because that's what my vet has on the shelf.
We ended up taking him back into the vet last night when he started going into a corner rather then sitting with his mom and brother. The vet called this morning and said that they have done what they can but don't think that he will pull through. Thanks for all your help! Vet bill for last night alone will be $500.00 so for any inexeperienced people who want to breed please take it seriously when they tell you that you shouldn't and vet bills aren't cheap.
I use a drop of Colloidal Silver every day for a couple of days and they clear right up for me.
I'm sorry Tweety. There are times the infection isn't just an eye infection. There are other issues as well, maybe respiratory, prematurity, etc. The infection is just what you can actually see.

The vet kept the little guy rather than sending him home with mom? Have they tried any antibiotics, maybe TMZ on him?