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Mar 6, 2012
Chantilly, VA
I have two male Chins that got along for years, then one got injured. He spent a few days at the Vet. When he got the "all clear" I put him back in the cage and the other one went after him. I seperated them and put them in different cages. I put the cages next to each other, like I was told to do. I thought they would be good once Lucky was 100%. I tried to introduce Smokey back into the cage they used to share, but he was still aggressive. I don't know what to do. What should I do?
I'd keep them separated as far away as possible for at least two months. If you do decide to get them together, you are going to have to start out from the very beginning with introducing them.

I don't like side by side cages for intros. The reason why is because chins are territorial. If they have someone next to them for weeks and weeks and they think that the chin is trying to get into their space, they will probably attack that chin first time they get a chance. I prefer putting the chins together in a neutral cage or letting them play in a neutral location and then put them together in a cage that neither one has claim to. (Scrub down the cage, put in new ledges and toys that belong to both of them.)

Still, like starrynight said, they may never get along again. Chins have very good memories and they remember the other chin attacking them! It could go either way...especially since they are older.
That is too bad. I love them both and they got along so well in their younger years. I guess I will have to get a new cage for Smokey. I know that they live longer with a companion. Too bad mine won't live as long. Thank you guys for your help.
That is too bad. I love them both and they got along so well in their younger years. I guess I will have to get a new cage for Smokey. I know that they live longer with a companion. Too bad mine won't live as long. Thank you guys for your help.

I'm not sure where you heard that they live longer with a companion, but chins do perfectly fine when caged alone.
I'd keep them separated as far away as possible for at least two months. If you do decide to get them together, you are going to have to start out from the very beginning with introducing them.

I don't like side by side cages for intros. The reason why is because chins are territorial. If they have someone next to them for weeks and weeks and they think that the chin is trying to get into their space, they will probably attack that chin first time they get a chance. I prefer putting the chins together in a neutral cage or letting them play in a neutral location and then put them together in a cage that neither one has claim to. (Scrub down the cage, put in new ledges and toys that belong to both of them.)

Still, like starrynight said, they may never get along again. Chins have very good memories and they remember the other chin attacking them! It could go either way...especially since they are older.

Wow, thanks for sharing that advice! As you know, I recently adopted a new chin and I'm planning on eventually introducing him to Einstein. I hadn't thought of this before and was planning on putting the cages side by side. I think I'll just introduce them in a neutral area instead. Once again, thank you for sharing!

Also, I agree with Airyn. Chins do fine when housed alone and it shouldn't have any significant effect on their lifespan.
Oh yeah... I always think of it as the chin thinking I am putting that guy who has been trying to break into his house for a month right inside the house! LOL

Chins can be caged by themselves, some prefer it. I have a few here that definitely want to be alone and just won't get along with anyone. Generally chins do like having a friend and it can really enrich their lives. The older females that I have here definitely seem to prefer having friends. I think it makes them live longer because they are just happier and more content. Males are a little different but many of them love having a buddy around...the relationships males have are a little different, but having a friend seems to be something they enjoy.
I read it in a book. I'm glad to know that they will be happy and healthy on their own. I will keep them in seperate rooms. It's still too bad though, they used to cuddle with each other. They got along so well for years! Oh well, I guess all good things come to an end eventually.