I need help with my chinchilla i hope someone can help

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Apr 22, 2011
I purchased 2 chins from a pet store I was told they where both males I get them home set them up in the cage an notice one of them humping the other alot didn't think much of it until a friend of mine who is a vet and was noticing the behavior of one of them humping the other decided to check there sex and confirm they where both males well ones a female. I took her out of the cage and seperated her she is only 3-4 months old and weighs 360 grams could she be pregnant I am worried can I feed her anything to fatten her up I know she is weigh to young for this I trusted the pet store saying they where both males.The male is 6 months old. I really appreciate any help.
First of all, can you get pictures of their genitals and post them here so that we can confirm they are male and female? Sometimes not all vets know what to look for and can make mistakes. Chinchillas aren't all that common to many vets and are easy to mis-sex if you haven't seen many before. No offense to your friend.

Chinchillas will hump for more reasons than mating. They also hump to establish dominance. A male will hump another male, and even females will hump other chins if it's a dominance issue.

If she really is a she, she could be pregnant. I am not a breeder, but I would not feed her anything to "fatten" her up. Give her a good quality pellet and hay. A supplement may be something else you can give her, but I'll let the breeders answer that question. Start counting 111 days from the last day they were together (the gestation period for chins.) Read through the breeding and babies section here so you can be prepared.
I have attached a photo of the genitals of the chin in question

This is the genitals of the chinchilla in question if anyone can also confirm this is a female.


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I feel your pain. I got what I was told were two females from a family who'd bought them from a breeder. Turns out they were brother and sister. When one "female" started humping the other regularly, I began to wonder. Then I found the "sexing your chin" thread on here, and confirmed my suspicions.

The sister is right at four and a half months old---discovered this situation at four months--so I'm hoping against hope she is not pregnant (I have since separated them).

Fingers crossed for us both!!! :crossfingers: :hug4:
It scares me to think about pet shops getting the sex of the chinchillas wrong, when i got Lola i was told she was a girl and when i got Dotty i was told the same. I noticed that it looked like Lola was trying to hump Dotty so i panicked and had a look, luckily they are both little girls and i think Lola was trying to dominate Dotty.
Reminds me of the one and only time I "bothered" myself with a petstore chinchilla :) I asked if I could see it...and then asked if they knew the gender (no) and if they wanted to know the gender (pretty indifferent). Petstores generally do not know much about chinchilla care and really do not seem to care about gender.

In regards to could she be pregnant, yes she could. Separate (put her into a babysafe cage) and mark off the 111days...do NOT allow playtimes together (even for a second) and do NOT put the cages within 3 inches of one another. As far as fattening up...no...feed a healthy feed and hay. I'm not too sure about supplementing a chinchilla this young...someone with more experience in that department may be better suited to help
Well, it is what it is.

The first time I saw Mr. Whiskers cleaning himself, I thought he was chewing on his back leg. When I realized that was NOT his back leg, I immediately googled, "What is the length of an erect chinchilla penis?" The first answer that came up said, "Longer than you would imagine", and then went on to the rest of the article.

I was astounded and embarrassed at the same time!!! ;)
Males have incredibly long penises and can reach through the bars. It's kind of strange if you ask me!

Sigh, that's what I figured you meant. Yes, I realized my male was a male when I saw the penis protruding underneath the cage....and he's not even full-grown!

I have him and his sister in a FN142....he's on the top, she's on the bottom, separated by the middle level. Will this be sufficient or do I need to put them in separate cages altogether? Hope hope hope not, :crossfingers: