I may be reading too much into this but do chins fall in love..?

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May 20, 2012
Pittsburgh, PA
The first pair of chins that I got intended for breeding was an extreme mosaic v/c male (Pinto Bean) and a super gorgeous standard female (Armani) from the Ryersons. Anyway Pinto was a bit too young to pair with Armani right away but shortly after it was finally time to do so about a week later I unexpectedly got my best chin of all which is a pure standard from Shoots. To make a long story short I changed my mind and decided it would be more advantageous for me to to re-pair Armani instead with the Shoots male so as to have a "pure standard" line. Armani was only in with Pinto for about a week when this happened. Armani ended up happy ever after with Wolverine (the Shoots male) but poooor Pinto was left heartbroken (or at least so it seemed). He was constantly looking for her and doing that sad little chinnie whine call... He has since been re-paired with a standard e/c v/c (Lyla) but nevertheless I don't see that same spark in him that he once had for Armani. When he sees her in the chin room he still gets this look about him and he just seeks her out and watches her longingly it seems. He is ok with Lyla don't get me wrong but just by watching them together he seems to be more like "oh ok you'll have to do I guess"...

Like I said in the title of this thread I may be reading into this waaaaay too much lol but I just wanted to see what everyone else thought and if anyone has any similar stories to share. I just thought this was a very interesting observation. So by all means please do tell.....your tales of CHINNIE LOVE!
Chin love? You mean instinct, chins mate because that is what animals do, not because they are in love.
Ditto what Dawn said. While I do believe animals become attached, and I know they do because I have seen it, I also know that when a mate passes you can help them through it by giving them a little one to care for or another cage mate.

I had a female who sent insane when her mate died. She hovered over his body, wouldn't let me near him to remove him from the cage. I was finally able to distract her and pulled him out. She kept running and kacking. I gave her a weanling to be her friend and she settled right down. She was attached to her mate, but once she had someone else to hang with she was good.

Animals are not humans and don't love the same way. The do mate, and they have the biological urge to mate, but that's not the same.
I have some males in runs with 12 females, and yes they do prefer some females to others, just like people prefer the company of some people to others.

He'll be okay, he's probably a bit confused, but I don't think he'll try hanging himself with a piece or sisal or anything due to a broken heart. :D
LOL there is a word that for the life of me I can't remember off the top of my head for when people regard animals as having human attributes...I know it's not the same as human love but instead "chinnie love" in their own little way. Ok maybe "extreme chinnie bonding" stories might be the more PC way to refer to it. Nevertheless I think the stories are cool and would love to hear more....