I have trouble telling my chins apart sometimes

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
Mira and her daughter, Marika are both pink-whites. Sometimes at a distance I actually confuse the two! Marika is still smaller so that does help :p Marika is still lightening up, where Mira has alot of gray in her. I'm worried when Marika is older I wont be able to tell them apart without holding them :p They do things in tandem as well. Sleep together constantly, and run to the edge of the cage for attention at the same time, in the same location!

Is it just me, or does anyone else mix up their chins?

At least my pink- white male is easy to tell apart ;)
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OMG, all the time! Candy and GoGo are standard grays and unless I see them at a certain angle, they look exactly alike. GoGo is a little bigger and she smiles, but when I'm looking at two fuzzy gray butts sleeping in their house I have no clue who's who.
I adopted them just a few months ago so I'm hoping I'll get to recognize them more easily.
I have extra dark ebony twin girls who are about two years old and I still have trouble telling them apart...Arwen is slightly blockier but from a distance I can't tell them apart! At least with a lighter colored chin you can mark an ear as an identifier. Someone suggested I clip the hairs on one of the girls' tails but I'd rather not!
The ones that are the same color in one cage I will mark one of their ears with a gray sharpie marker. I have tried black but it seems that the color didn't last as long as gray. The gray has been on ears since Jan 2012. I heard that you can also trim one of their tails.
Constantly mixing my girls up. I also have father-son-daughter that are all beige. The only way i can tell them apart visually is that father has massive amounts of spots on his ears. Daughter started getting them since she was a kit to, but their in separate cages. And at about 1.5 years old, son is losing his pure ears and starting to get spots. 0.0

My mother daughter combo on the other hand... They are pretty much 100% look a likes. Only way i could tell them apart for so long was because as a kit, daughter was smaller. Now they are the same size. (Daughter maybe even slightly bigger). Now the only way to tell them apart visually is mother has a small tuft of hard fur on her back right side. (Has ever since i got her years ago. About the size of a pinky nail.) Fortunately how ever, with names of Sophie and Sophia, i end up just calling the Soph until i figure out who it is lol.
My girls are from a triplet set of three standard girls and the pair of them are extremely hard to tell apart. They look exactly alike. I haven't been able to see any real coloring differences. I am sure someone trained in such things could probably note some differences but I can't. Currently the only way I am certain who is who is based on weight. Trixie is significantly smaller (like 60 grams now) than Pixie. If I look very carefully (and they're standing still) I can see which one of them is smaller. Also their personalities are a bit different. Pixie for one bites. If you hold her and she wants down she will bite the hand blocking her way. At the same time, she's still the friendlier of the two. She'll sit and let me scritch her and come and greet me right when I open the door. Trixie is a bit more reserved and will come after a little while. She's also a bit more skittish and if I make any sudden movements will rocket off. If Trixie ever catches up with Pixie in weight I have no idea how I'll continue to tell them apart for sure though. When they're sleeping or cuddled up together it's much harder to be certain who is who.