ok...i have two chins so far, but i hope to have a family one day. one of them i've had for about 3yrs now and i've always wanted to get a male(preferrably a pink white male) to breed with her, but i only want to breed her once and then i want her to be spayed. i have a huge cage area for her and i wanted to get her kit(s) fixed too when they became of age and keep them together. i adopted another chin about a few weeks ago because the owner couldn't keep "him". "he" is a standard gray and she is a hetero ebony(i think, i'm not too good on colors). well, he was given to me cause the previous owner knew i would give "him" a good home. but i started looking at "him" and i believe he is a she, lol. so, is it possible if i were to find a male and breed my first one and keep only one of the kits and get all of them fixed could i keep them all together, provided that they all get along. that would give me 4 chins in one very large cage...