i have a health question

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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So I am going to buy a hedgie from the lady and breeds them. I found her on the find breeder part of hedgehog central so I know she has to be good. But on her chat part of the website this girl was talking about shortly after getting a hedgie from the lady that her hedgie got very sick and they took it to a vet only for the poor hedgie to die shortly after getting there. They said it died from not eating right or something like that. So my question is should I still buy a hedgie from the lady? The hedgie getting sick and dieing shortly after they bought it from her has kind of scared me a little:hmm:.
Just because a breeder is listed on the HHC breeder list does not mean they are good. Anyone can be listed.

If you pm me the name of the breeder I can tell you if I know anything about the person.
Lulu - She said pm her to discuss this. I deleted the link so the forum doesn't get accused of allowing bad mouthing to occur.
oh ok well I went on hedgehog central and they are all telling me that I should find another breeder