just brought Gizmo to the emergency vet. A few hours ago he was in his playpen and my bfs stupid cat was sleeping in the chair next to his playpen, she woke up and wack...got him through the bars! She got him once and then let go when I screamed, and then went at him again before I could get over to him, she grabbed him with her paw and literally picked him up off the floor. Needless to say, I FREAKED OUT. He seemed fine and there was no blood but the vet said it was a good thing I brought him because of how dangerous cat scratches can be to a rodent. Plus, we couldnt see any puncture wounds, but there was most likely some. So the vet gave him an injection of baytril and metacam for the inflamation if any. He is on baytril now for a week to be safe. I feel so bad about this. I should have put the cat in another room but usually she doesnt bother with him. Hes a bit stressed out and pissed off right now for taking him to the vet but other than that I think hes fine. The only thing that I am worried about is over the year he has been on ALOT of medicine for different reasons. I know alot of meds aren't necessarly a good thing, how much is too much? He was just on tribessen then enfrofloxin for a 2 month span, now he needs this for a week. and we just finally got hard poos again. So now Im making sure I give him lots of the lifeline and the probiotic the vet gave me. Has anyone had to deal with cat scratches before or a long time of medicine use? Poor guy, I feel awful!!