i hate cats, what a night!

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2009
just brought Gizmo to the emergency vet. A few hours ago he was in his playpen and my bfs stupid cat was sleeping in the chair next to his playpen, she woke up and wack...got him through the bars! She got him once and then let go when I screamed, and then went at him again before I could get over to him, she grabbed him with her paw and literally picked him up off the floor. Needless to say, I FREAKED OUT. He seemed fine and there was no blood but the vet said it was a good thing I brought him because of how dangerous cat scratches can be to a rodent. Plus, we couldnt see any puncture wounds, but there was most likely some. So the vet gave him an injection of baytril and metacam for the inflamation if any. He is on baytril now for a week to be safe. I feel so bad about this. I should have put the cat in another room but usually she doesnt bother with him. Hes a bit stressed out and pissed off right now for taking him to the vet but other than that I think hes fine. The only thing that I am worried about is over the year he has been on ALOT of medicine for different reasons. I know alot of meds aren't necessarly a good thing, how much is too much? He was just on tribessen then enfrofloxin for a 2 month span, now he needs this for a week. and we just finally got hard poos again. So now Im making sure I give him lots of the lifeline and the probiotic the vet gave me. Has anyone had to deal with cat scratches before or a long time of medicine use? Poor guy, I feel awful!!
Keep an eye on his food intake and poos. Usually with oral baytril chins go off their feed because it tastes horrible. Most people have to step in and hand feed their chins critical care- you must be vigilant on this, because if the chin goes anorexic it will lead to stasis which is a whole other slew of problems.

The probiotic should be given a few hours after the antibiotic is given so that the two aren't interacting. The antibiotic will cancel out the probiotic if they are given together.

I would just make sure he's getting plenty probiotic since he's been on so much meds.

What kind of probiotic did the vet give to you? In this case I would be using at least 10 billion count acidophilus, preferably something around 14.
he actually loves the taste of the baytril. When he was going through his ampution he would practically attack the syringe for it. So there im lucky! The vet gave me benebac, plus im also going to give him the lifeline. Should I do the lifeline everyday while hes on the meds?
Sorry to hear about this! But may I recommend Soft Paws for cats with claws. I got them for Sam and Baxter a month or so ago and am really glad I did. They don't cause any damage when they scratch the couch or rug. I can't say it's helped with the chins as both of my cats are afraid of my chins and don't go near them at all.
The cat is just doing what comes naturally... I hate to see people get all pissed off at an animal for doing what instinct tells them to do. No need to hate the cat, just keep them separate. Simple enough - I have two cats and two dogs and none of them have ever had the chance to harm one of my chins. It eases the mind. :)

Soft Paws are great, if your cat will let you put them on and keep them on. I've actually been contemplating using them on my younger cat...

I hope your boy will be okay. Keep an eye on him, Stackie's advice was sound.
Soft paws....are those the stick on nails for the cats? I've used them about a year ago on her. I completely forgot about the nails, thanks for reminding me!! I'll definetly have to pick them up next time im at the petstore! Usually my cat wants nothing to do with gizmo. Shes shown interest a few times before, and like I said the whole time he was bouncing around in the play pen she was sleeping. She just attacked out of nowhere. But the nails are a great idea.
The cat is just doing what comes naturally... I hate to see people get all pissed off at an animal for doing what instinct tells them to do. No need to hate the cat, just keep them separate. .

I agree, a cat is a predator, and I am a firm believer a cat should not even be near a playing rodent.....

I am glad it wasnt far worse for your chin.
I know, I learned the hard way. It was completey stupid on my part. I do feel really bad. But thank god it didnt turn out worse than it did.
I LOVE MY CATS... I also have a guinea pig and 2 dogs... I always put the dogs and cats up anytime mine are out playing...I hope he will be OK..
awww poor guy i hope he feels better soon

my guess is that since the cat was sleeping he(or something else) made a noise or touched her and startled her and she just grabbed at what was near her

just like if you were sleeping and were startled you might reach out and hit something etc
I know, I learned the hard way. It was completey stupid on my part. I do feel really bad. But thank god it didnt turn out worse than it did.

I hope your Gizmo is ok :( poor baby he's been through a lot. As you've said, learn from what's happened and keep Gizmo away from the kitty.
I am so happy to hear that your chin's run in with the cat wasn't any worse. It is a good thing you were right there when it happened. I agree, just keep an eye on him and make sure he continues to be ok as chins are very good at hiding anything wrong.

I am very lucky with my 2 cats. They don't have any interest in any of the other animals I have. I have birds, fish, gerbils, and my chin. They watch from a distance, and even though they were adopted strays, their predator instincts are minimal. I used to have a hamster that escaped out of his ball (don't use them anymore) on 3 occasions, and the cats helped me find him each time. They were with him each time, just sitting at a distance and watching him. I expected to find him dead each time, but they never touched him. Of course, most cats aren't like this, I just happened to find two lazy cats!
=( poor baby... thank goodness he's ok, but it's not the cat's fault completely she's just doing her animal thing...
my bf's killer kitty (a black stray he found in the woods behind his house) will kill anything she can...she's a tiny cat, but she somehow managed to capture, kill, and drag a full grown male rabbit from the wood over the wooden fence =( poor guy didn't know he was on her turf...
when we brought home Morgan Freeman he was in a temp cage on the living room floor, she went to inspect him and he-being the interested chin he is-ran up and touched her...i've never seen a cat run so fast from something so small before!
full grown male rabbit?=dead, tiny baby chinchilla? run for the hills he's gonna getcha!
My cat is a very big predator: mice, rabbits ... you name it!
Altough i'm lucky she's scared of the chins (Stevie once grabbed her tail trough the cagebars :D)

Can't blame the cat though.
see thats the thing, usually sam (my cat) wants nothing to do with gizmo and on occasions she seemed like she was afraid. I keep beating myself up over this, I know I am 100 percent responsible for this and I feel awful. He seems to be fine, it obviously wasnt bad puncture wounds because there was absoluetly no blood but I know how dirty cat nails are. What im worried about is all the antibiotics he's been on . About a year ago he was on antibiotics for about 3 months straight w/ his amputations, infectiions and such. And a few weeks ago he was on two different ones for about amonth and half for his parasite and bacterial infection. And now hes on baytril for this. I know alot of meds arent good for animals, or people for that matter sometimes. How much is too much? I'm worried its causing alot of harm on his small body that cannot be undone. .. any help?
btw, I just want to clear up, I do not hate cats, I do not blame the cat, and im sorry if I offended anyone with a cat. I was just extrememly upset when I wrote this. But looking back it looks like I am a cat hater lol. So I'm sorry if I made anyone upset about bashing cats :)