I guess I'm a "bad" mommy. Mira won't even look at me.

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
Mira appears to be mad at me. I have not give her and her daughter as much attention as they are used to this week. I have been very focused on Terrance after the loss of Phillip. I also lost their chew sticks two days ago, so they have not had them for the past couple nights.

Today I found the sticks, and went to give Mira a treat, she refused to take it! She has never refused a treat before! She aimed her butt at me and ran away!

I wonder how long it will take her to forgive me :p
Hmmmm....as long as it takes to get her to accept a bunch of chew sticks, a few bits of shredded wheat, and some undignified begging for forgiveness?
I think Terrance is mad as well. I got this look tonight:


It actually kinda scared me!
You be nice to your mommy, Terrance! No more giving her the stink eye!

He's such a cutie :D
Remember, Terrance has just suffered a huge loss. I don't think he's as much mad as he is depressed. It's good that you're giving him extra lovins' and attention.