I got another chinchilla!

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non-stop poop sweeper
Jan 29, 2009
Chicago suburb
He's in desperate need of a dustbath for sure and he's a bit scraggly looking. I'm calling him Wooly. I introduced him to CJ just for a photo shoot but then I had to get him out because CJ started to groom him a little too roughly. So without further ado, here he is.....





Oh, and here's Wooly enjoying the new fleece in CJ's cage.
CJ was kind enough to share his supplement with Wooly.


A little bit of a stand-off but no kacking or fur loss...




Wooly is adorable... but it seems like you've introduced them too quickly. With the condition he's in aren't you worried about quarantine? ;-)
I have that same one. Must be from the same "breeder". I have mine online too! lol Do you think it's a light eb? No white belly!
OMG, is that the new Webkinz Chin???

I pre-ordered one and am anxiously awaiting its' arrival.

I must say, though, those are some sad excuses for whiskers -- I might have to change MINE out!!!
LOL! Yes, that is the new webkinz chinchilla. I had to have it no matter how scraggly and smooshed he looked. I think mine was at the bottom of the box for a long time poor thing.
I have to agree with the whiskers comment. Sad excuse! Mine is on its way to me. It makes me a bit sad that it isn't as cute as the standardized picture, but I think with a bit of grooming and whisker straightening he'll be good as new. :p
Cute! I'm sure he and CJ will be best buds...even though quarantine was not strictly observed... :impatient: LOL

I may have to check with that breeder... ;)
Hahaha!! Thats too cute. CJ is going to think he has a real buddy!

Love the one of him in the food bowl.
You know sandi....I thought you knew better bringing a new chinchilla home and just throwing him in with CJ...... LOL

I want one