I got a job

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i won't be taking CPR i'm not paying for it and what are the chances that someone would need it. thanks for the idea thought.

Safe Sitter is completely free, and a fantastic course to take, especially since you want children. There is a HUGE chance that a child (even yours) may need CPR, or other medical care, during their life. CPR can save a life in the time that you are waiting for medical help to get there.

I would only allow someone who was certified in CPR, and knows other life saving procedures, to watch my child.

At least read this as it has very good information on the things you need to have covered when watching a child.

Knowing CPR IS a must. I've had to perform it at least 3 times that I can think of in my life. I personally think anyone who wants children should be required to know it considering the accidents that do happen.
well i think my family and i will be just fine my husband knows it so thats good enough for me. and my brother doesn't care if i know CPR or not. so i'm good there
Amanda - If you are babysitting your brother's kids and something happens, your husband isn't going to be there to do it for you. Do you know how many lives would have been lost if people had your attitude about CPR? I can't even begin to imagine.

There shouldn't be a single person in this country who doesn't know how to do CPR. I made my kids learn it and they are 14 and 16. What if I need help? Who is going to help me if my kids don't know how to administer it?

You almost sound defiant, like a young child, "you can't make me so there." Why? You should want to learn it as you may be in the position to save a life someday. I'd hate to be the one standing there wishing I had known how to do it, but couldn't.
i won't be taking CPR i'm not paying for it and what are the chances that someone would need it. thanks for the idea thought.

Here's my opinion. If something happens to a someone and you were present and couldn't do anything, wouldn't you think "I wish I would have spent the $25 (or whatever it costs) to be able to save that person's life!" What monetary value would you put on someone's life?
i'm not doing it b/c you guys tell me to i dont' want to and we don't have the money to do it. and i'm sure dusty could teach me if i wanted to learn it. i just don't think i need to learn it sorry i feel differently than you guys do.
I don't even babysit, and I'm CPR certified. I need to get re-certified and I should re-take the class because I've forgotten a majority of it, but it's a useful skill to have. You never know when someone is going to need your help. What would you do if it was Dusty who needed CPR? Obviously he can't do it on himself.

You're a grown woman. You shouldn't always have to depend on your husband to do things - it's a pretty poor excuse to refuse to take a life-saving course because your husband can do it. It's not like you're joined at the hip. Take some initiative for yourself and stop relying so heavily on others.
Really Amanda? And does Dusty have a resuscitation dummy in his car that he can show you on? You can't teach CPR on a live person - you will kill them. Last time I checked, the dummies were around $1000.00 apiece. So somehow I doubt you could have Dusty show you.

Courtney - Excellent post.
Well, I guess you can learn the basics of CPR on a live person, but you can't actually practice it. In my Wildlife class in school, they taught us where to place our hands, breathing techniques, and the like - they wanted to show us that because we were going camping and you never, ever know when that skill will need to be used. That said, we didn't really LEARN the procedure. We learned the theory behind CPR, but we didn't learn how to actually do it. Would we be able to save a life using theory? Probably not, but we'd have a better chance than someone who absolutely refused to learn.

In my first high school, there was actually a section in our Health class that involved learned CPR. They brought in nurses from St. John's Ambulance who brought their plastic friends along to help. The class itself didn't allow us to become certified, but it gave us a leg up if we ever wished to certify. My place of work offers this as Professional Development course. They pay for it completely, pay you for the day and in the end, you have a fancy certificate that says you're qualified to save lives. Every department is required to have at least 2 certified individuals.

It's not hard to become certified. It's much harder to live with the fact that you could have saved a life, but didn't because you had no idea how to help them. Even if you never have to use the training, it's helpful to have. One day... you might have to save your husband's, child's or parent's life. Suddenly, the money spent on training won't seem like such a big burden.
I re take my CPR course every 3 years. It makes me feel happy that I could help in an emergency, and I have actually used it and saved a 4 year old boy from drowning. If I would not have taken the CPR and babysitting course I would not have known what to do. He was stuck in between a dock and a boat, smashing against the side with the waves and almost not breathing. When I finally got him out, he was not breathing. I started CPR before my parents and the ambulance got there, about 3 mintues. That 3 minutes can mean the difference between life and death.

I was only 11, and got awards from the fire department. Do you know how terrible I would have felt if something happened, and I could not do anything? Do you know how happy I was I had taken that class only a few months prior to that happening? I still see that little boy (now huge!) every year, and he is still thankful. Imagine if that had been your nephew? And I can't imagine your brother telling you he would rather you not take a class that could save his kid's life. I think they would pay for it! Plus, my class was only $15, and re taking it is free! That is not too many hours of babysitting to possibly save a life. And you can maybe use it on resumes in future jobs too depending what they may be.
i'm not doing it b/c you guys tell me to i dont' want to and we don't have the money to do it. and i'm sure dusty could teach me if i wanted to learn it. i just don't think i need to learn it sorry i feel differently than you guys do.

You keep talking about money, yet I have given you a free option.
look i don't want to take it and i don't think i need to take it so please back off this is up to me. i am being a grown up i have the right not to take it and i don't feel that i need to take it so please respcet my chocie. thank you
Amanda, it seems like every time you don't want to do something you use the excuse that you have no money. I simply cannot understand why you would want to take care of children and be paid for it and not have every course possible to ensure their safety while under your care. I would think because it is family that you would want to be prepared in case something happens.

The courses are not expensive and since you are out of work, I'm certain you could probably get put into the courses for free as it would help you get a job. Why would you not want to do everything possible to better yourself?
How sad for the potential children you might watch someday. I actually really hope you don't find a job watching children, because it would be tragic for them to have someone watching them who wasn't properly trained. CPR classes are easy, can be completed in a day (renewals are even faster), and can save a life. Why would anyone NOT want to take the course?
look i don't want to take it and i don't think i need to take it so please back off this is up to me. i am being a grown up i have the right not to take it and i don't feel that i need to take it so please respcet my chocie. thank you

You don't need children either, if you don't feel it's important to prepare yourself to save their lives. That's part of the job description when you become a parent or caretaker -- your JOB is to protect them.

I do hope you disclose to any parents that you may babysit for that you do not have your CPR certification, nor do you have an interest in attaining it. They deserve to know.
Wow Amanda, that is really sad. I wish you would think about this more, and not be so defensive. We are all trying to help. Part of being a grown up is doing things you don't want to do in order to better yourself and to help others. Is there a reason you don't want to take the class? I just can't figure out your reasoning behind not wanting to take a simple class that would take less than a day. Any job would have tons of training before you started, this is just one day, and could save a life! I can't imagine a more important class than that.
ok look everyone my brother has never said that he wants me to know how to do CPR and another thing how dare you say that i shouldn't have kids b/c i don't know how to and don't want to learn CPR there are alot of ppl that don't know how to do CPR. my reasoning behinde this is b/c i don't feel i need it so please back off and just leave it alone. this is up to me and i have desided to no take the classes and i have looked into taking classes they are not cheap so please just back off. i'm not watching your kids. and my brother is fine with it. so again drop it leave it rest i know alot of ppl that don't know how to do CPR so you know what guys just leave it. this is up to me and i don't have the money nor do i want to take it end of story can someone please close this thread i'm sick of ppl giving me there ideas on how to "live life"
you it's like this guys i choice not to learn CPR my friend choices not to take her pets to the vet. everyone makes there own choice's you don't have to like them but it's best if you just keep your month shut!
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