I finally figured out how to post pictures from my phone! Meet my boys!

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I finally figured out how to post pics Pn my phone :)


My boy Terrance. He is 3.5 months old. He is the instigator with his cage mate. As soon as I open the cage door he hops out!


My boy Phillip. He is more of a scardey cat, and likes to nip. He loves his chew sticks though :) he isn't picky when it comes to chewing up wood!

Movie link of Phillip taking a dust bath:http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v292/sakuraa14/a82e6277.mp4

Movie link of my boys chewing hay: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v292/sakuraa14/b9ead566.mp4
cute! hey - quick question - is that an uncovered pvc pipe junction in the background on the first pic? may want to get some fleece on that to prevent/ avoid chewing on the plastic
I will look into that. The breeder I got my boys from said PVC was okay, and didn't mention anything about covering it. Thanks for the advice. I'm not sure how I would cover it though. I have extra fleece, and will play around with it to figure something out. My boys have not chewed it yet though, they seem more inclined to destroy their wooden shelves :)
They are very cute. I have PVC pipe in a couple of my cages. Boys I know don't chew. Just keep an eye on the edges, they shuld be fine.
Handsome boys!
But "Terrance and Phillip"??? Isn't that the names of the "flatulent" tv stars on Southpark?
Adorable boys you have! Your one step ahead of me, I don't even have a phone! lol
I too have uncovered PVC pipe in some of my cages, and no problems. It's such a hard plastic they can't do any damage or digest any of it. Though fleece would pretty it up some!