I don't love...

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Reece's peanut butter cups with dark chocolate.

Just thought I'd share.
Ooooh I recently learned a way to make zucchini that I actually like. Now if I could just figure out how to properly steam an artichoke...
I don't love my car costing $1300 to fix and then over $1000 in fraudulent charges being put on my debit card, all in one weekend.

Pond scum must taste amazing. :p
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I don't like back and neck pain that causes headaches. Oh well.

I also don't like that the Yankees did not win home field advantage, but at least they ARE in the playoffs!

BTW- I think all veggies taste like pond scum!
I don't love my car costing $1300 to fix and then over $1000 in fraudulent charges being put on my debit card, all in one weekend.

Pond scum must taste amazing. :p

Ewwww. That's poopy! Sorry you're dealing with that.
I used to ride dirt bikes, been in many of scum filled ponds when I was learning! Ode to Pond Scum is not nice to sleep in camping.
You all can be so weird.

I don't love people who are in a hurry and honk at me when I am driving. I follow the speed limit and don't take chances...so they get impatient and freak out even though it means that they are just going to get to the next red light 10 seconds faster.
i dont love cleaning cages at 3:00 am. :(
i also dont love NOT having had sugar, bread, potatos, pasta, rice or any type of white flour or sugar for 7 long days.
I do not love that my best friend felt like she had to clean my kitchen, after I am the one who invited her to dinner..knowing that next weekend she will not let me clean hers after we eat over at her house. Oh..and I agree that zucchini tastes like pond scum! :)
Boy did this go way off-track, too funny. To the OP, what are you talking about? I LOVE dark chocolate and now that reese's makes dark chocolate peanut butter cups, I can die in peace now! ;)
Boy did this go way off-track, too funny. To the OP, what are you talking about? I LOVE dark chocolate and now that reese's makes dark chocolate peanut butter cups, I can die in peace now! ;)

I love dark chocolate too! But these... I think there may be poop and toxic waste mixed in.