I dont get it...

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so maybe the answer is ridiculously obvious, or maybe you guys are super crafty, but how the heck do you get liners to stay in place? dont your hedgies just move them all over the place or crawl under them constantly? MAybe im just used to mischievious ferrets....
I don't use anything to keep them in place and my hedgehogs very rarely go under their liners. The only time I've seen them go under their liners now is when they are upset over something. Like they have carried a poo into their bed on their foot and now their bed is soiled, I've done something to change their habitat, or changed their daily routine drastically.

I have found that hedgehogs that have never had a liner tend to go under their liners. However, my experience has been that if given time to figure out what is going on, the habit often goes away.
My boy is much more likely to burrow under his liners if the fleece cover to his igloo is not on the igloo. What a weirdo!

In the cage I currently have, I can use binder clips to attach the fleece to the pan (it slides out). I also used velcro for a while; I put the adhesive kind to the bottom and sewed the other half to the liner. That worked well, too.
chloee never tried to go under he liner but ollie on the other hand wouldnt stay on top of it..
he would use the bath room on top of it, then go underneath to sleeep