I cheated a little...

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Oct 17, 2011
Vacaville, California
Well, I caved and introduced 4 days early... don't be mad me!! It was bath day so I took advantage of it. It went pretty well. A lot of mounting and some chasing, some loose hair, but the dust definitely helped I think, it captured most of their interest lol. Now we have their cages side by side and are praying for the best!


Fingers crossed that they become best of buds! I'd do the intro in the morning though when you do. Tucker them out after a long day of play! :)
Thanks guys!! I want to try in the morning but Woodrow is on world's strangest sleep schedule. He sleeps until like 11 or 12 at night and stays up til 10 or 11 in the morning, 7 AM is prime Woodrow time! Jasper on the other hand is up at around 5 pm and asleep by 8 am... these boys! I had to wake Woody boy up for this tonight! I was trying to keep it where Woodrow was the tired one, because I'm thinking he'll be the more dominate one, and Jasper will be going in his cage after the clean and rearrange. Good idea or no?
those are two adorable chins !!sometimes a fun activity definitely brings animals together well !
Its going good! I put them together yesterday around 4. I stayed with them all last night and there was just a lot of humping and some irritation with one another, but both were tired from me waking them up and cleaning cages all day. Today they've been cuddled up sleeping together since 10 AM! There was no fur around my cage or anything, both eat and drink, they share toys. All in all, pretty good I think.