I can haz my ears scratched?

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2009
I don't think I have ever seen a chin with such big ears. This is Nibbler. HE HE! I :heart3: him.

Haha, radar dishes indeed! His name should be Doppler. I love how he holds them to the sides- too funny!
what a cutie! lol, Doppler would be a cute name... Just gotta add that to my growing name list!
Love that name. I am so going to have to change it. I wanted an "ear appropriate" name but couldn't think of one. But he TOTALLY looks like a Doppler.


Haha, radar dishes indeed! His name should be Doppler. I love how he holds them to the sides- too funny!
Love that name. I am so going to have to change it. I wanted an "ear appropriate" name but couldn't think of one. But he TOTALLY looks like a Doppler.


Yay! Glad to be of service! Hello Doppler.. :dance3: