i already miss him

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Gizmo's roommate
Jun 3, 2009
so about 5 hours ago, i left gizmo at the pet sitters.

we went over the list i made, discussed chinchillas and how she got into them. she took in a few rescues a few years ago. she'll be heading home for a few days as well but has another coworker coming in to take care of her pets as well. both of them work at an animal clinic that sees chinchillas so i feel confident that if anything were to happen, he'd be taken there immediately.

but naturally, i feel a bit torn inside. you know when you go through a break up and it hurts but you just occupy yourself to get over it? but then once youre alone and everything is quiet, it hits you again. i know this is nothing like breaking up and my little one is very much alive, but somehow my heart really hurts right now. im sitting in my room and i see the empty part of wall where his cage stood. this is the first time ive seen my room chin-less since before i got him. robert has been giving me hugs but you know how guys are, dont really worry too much.

i just keep telling myself that he'll be ok and that i'll see him again. part of me wants to say that i cant wait to come back, but then thats unfair to my family that im about to see tomorrow and my dog sandie whom i havent seen since june. she's my world, so im excited to see her. and i know i want to be with her every second of every day, shes just awesome like that. so this whole situation is just bittersweet. im crying cuz i just dropped off my baby and will be without him til the 5th, but then i know that i want to be home so bad. ahhh its confusing.

sorry for the venting, ive been waiting to get on here since i dropped off gizmo but the internet was down. i know i'll be worrying every day. i didnt think id feel this sad.
Awww i know how you feel though, they become a part of your life soo much. its like leaving your kid behind!
awwwe :( i know how you feel one time i went on vacation to the bahamas for my birthday (spring break) and I had to leave all of my 7 animals behind... I was torn apart without them being there for me on that special day :( When i got home,k my dog was a MANIAC! he wouldn't leave me alone ♥
I'm sorry your hurting. I went away in September for only a day and a night and I missed my gizmo terribly. It sucks when your away from the little guy. I miss him just being at work during the day lol. But you'll see him soon. Just think how excited he'll be to see his mommy soon. :)