Humidity & Temperature

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New Chin Parent
Oct 28, 2011
I just bought a digital thermometer at WalMart and it also reads humidity. I have it on the chinnie cage and the temp currently reads 73 & the humidity is 32. Its been on the cage for about 30 minutes-ish, & it has been fluctuating a bit. What is a good humidity/temp for chins?
I was always told anything above 75 degrees is way too hot. I'm not familiar with the humidity requirements besides it can't be too high. I try and keep my room with the chins between 65-70.
The lower the humidity the better.
Yours is good.
Temp is fine, but I wouldn't go above 75. We range 70-75 here and the chins do well. :)
my house is kept at 75 or less, depending this time of year how well I can manage my woodstove, but my chin's room is cooler than that. But even with fire going all winter long, my humidity is at 47%. My chin seems to be ok in these conditions as these are the norm for her. I live in NW Washington where it is usually very damp, especially this time of year. But the lower the temp and humidity you can provide, the better off your chin will be.