How to ween a Critical Care Lover...

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lovin' my chinny boys!
Oct 3, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
I've had Splinter on Critical Care food for about a month and a half now. It seems like he's taking his treats again and eating some hay (as long as I switch it up and provide timothy hay all the time but supplement it with either Botanical and/or Orchard grass). The vet said she's seen a lot of chinchillas ween themselves off... but I think I have one who LOVES it. He knows the 2 times of the day I feed him, so he waits at the front of his cage ready for it. I've tried switching from the fine grind to just the regular stuff and he reuses to eat altogether. I've tried adding in some ground up pellets to start the transition and again he refuses to eat. Maybe it's too soon to try weening him and he still needs it??? Just seems like he's active and playful and everything else seems to be much better than a month ago... with the exception of not drinking much water (maybe that's from getting water from the CC? but his poops look small, hard and very dry)... Any other thoughts?
We never really found out. Thought it could have been teeth. He was put under (didn't come out of that so well), they trimmed a couple of points but said he didn't really need it. He just kind-of stopped eating and would try to nibble but get frustrated and drop the food. So we got those tips trimmed and put him on CC in order to get him eating again (he lost a lot of weight). His weight has kept steady now. He's actually eating more hay now as well... but isn't into his pellets. I figure if he's eating hay and taking a treat here and there then he should be able to be okay without the CC... but I also don't want to rush it and have him not eating again.

He did have an episode where he had two seizures one night... vet thinks maybe it was caused from heat or stressing himself out... I don't know. I spent a couple of days by his cage and he bounced back pretty quick but wasn't the same after that (wouldn't eat, sleeps in different places, and is very social now as opposed to old anti-social behavior).

Don't know if that really answers the questions because we never really found out what he was "ill" with... He doesn't seem to be in any pain or anything (I keep a very close eye on how he acts and things seem to be adjusting back to normal slowly day by day).
When they had him under, did they do any head xrays? My vet did not want to do xrays at first and only trimmed a few points on a malo chin I had, I had to insist and had to come back to get them done and found all sorts of things going on with him.
No, they did not do any x-rays. Which is what I'm worried about now. Even though he seems to be improving, I don't want any underlying issues.

However, they said they don't want to risk putting him under again as he didn't do well last time. Heart rate dropped way down and it took him a very long time to come completely out of it.

Is there another way to do x-rays without being put under?