How to make a cone?

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Apr 19, 2012
Seattle, WA
I've seen a few posts about making cone of shame from cereal boxes etc. But does anyone have step by step directions, and pics? My baby kit got something in her eye, I've cleaned it out with saline and I'm calling the vet at 9am tomorrow for some eye drops. She keeps scratching it and her uncoordinated kit paws are actually pushing fur into her eye and Making it worse... Anyway I know the vet doesn't have cones for the Chinchillas as I had asked them back when the mom came out of her spay. I'll still double check but...

Also, need to know how tight to make it.
Got home from work earlier this morning and was greeted by two peeping eyes. =) The right eye is still being rubbed but at least I didn't have to unseal it again. Vet said on the phone to bring her in if it starts getting worse (they know I'm mega broke already from mom) as there was no discharge or signs of current infection. Still would be nice to know good cone techniques, I tried one of paper and she basically slips right through it. =x
You cut out a big circle, then from the middle of that circle cut out a smaller circle in the middle. Then you cut a straight line (radius) from the middle to the outside. Then you curve it and over lap the ends and tape it in place. It's kind of hard to explain without pictures.
I'm sure you've figured one out by now, but here is a pattern. The size really depends on the size of baby.

The more sloped the sides = the more "wide" and collar like the cone is. The steeper the sides the more cone like it is. I'd get a couple of cereal boxes and play around with different shapes/sizes. I use a stapler to staple them shut and they'll last a couple days unless mom eats them. Chinchillas love tape so I'd avoid it if you can. You only need one big enough to keep her from reaching her eyes, but she should still be able to nurse. On a baby that should be around 1". If it is to keep them from chewing on a leg or something you'll want to make it 2"+ high.


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