how to know if I had found a great vet?

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Hi a vet near my home treat exotics pets, but I am a bit cautionus. he treat principaly cats and dogs and he don't keep in stock any critical care for hebivore. but maby he is a great vet, did you have somes questions i may ask for be sure of his tallents with chinchillas?

What I did personally when I was searching for a vet for my chincillas I came right out and asked every receptionist that answered the phone after they told me they did work with chins, are the vets good and knowledgeable, and I want to let you know each one was quite honest and did not take offense to it. I'm sure they understood why I was asking. I can't say each vet place will be that way if you ask, but that is what I did and found everyone to be honest. If the vets didn't see alot of them or know alot about them, they told me.

I can't answer what questions you would ask, sorry, maybe someone else can answer that one. But don't be afraid to ask how extensive their knowledge is.

Best of luck.

i called a local clinic a couple months ago. their website said they treated exotics. thought i'd ask personally just to make sure.... the receptionist didn't know what a chinchilla was. she thought it was like gerbil-size. needless to say, i didn't go there.
i agree with around. the front desk staff will usually let you know if they have seen chins in there, sometimes if you ask a lof of questions, they will even let you speak to a doctor.