I was just about to answer this on Yahoo. Guess I'll just do it here instead.
1.) First, before anything else gets answered, where are your animals from? Are they both from reputable breeders who could provide pedigrees on them so that you can trace their lineages back several generations? If they are from a pet store or a rescue, please, keep them apart permanently.
2) Has someone experienced evaluated them to A) see if they should be bred, and B) see if they are a good match?
3) Are you prepared for the male to beat up and possibly kill Echo? Are you prepared for Echo to do the same for the male if she gets up the courage? Are you prepared for dead kits if they get stomped or pulled out in pieces parts if they get stuck? Are you prepared to lose Echo if the pregnancy/delivery goes wrong? Do you have $500.00 minimum to take Echo to the vet if she needs an emergency C-section.
4) You mention you have the male in a cat carrier. Why do you not have a second cage? ANY time you have a breeding pair or any other pair of chins, you must have a second cage in case of fights. I am assuming you did no quarantine, due to the fact that you have no second cage as well? Quarantine protects not only Echo, but the new chin coming in. It gives them time to adjust to the new environment and it gives you a chance to observe for any disease before exposing him to Echo, thereby risking her health and safety. Also, unless you plan to have the male keep Echo pregnant all the time, year around, you need a second cage to remove him to once she is close to delivery. Then there are the kits. Where were you going to put them when you wean them at 8 weeks?
Please, read through the breeding and babies FAQ's and read the thread "It isn't always easy" stickied to the top of the breeding and babies forum. Be sure that you are thoroughly educated before you make this decision. This is not to discourage you, but to inform you so you make the right choice for Echo.
As far as introducing them, I always use the cage within a cage method. I use small show cages that are wire and open all around so the chins can see and sniff each other. I put one chin in the smaller cage, then put it in the larger cage for several hours, or overnight. In the morning, I switch, leaving the loose chin in the smaller cage. In your case, I would put the male in to start, since Echo has already been traumatized by him chasing her and ripping out her fur. This can take a while, but I am not in a hurry and I'm not going to shove my chins together without giving them the time to adjust to each other.
Be aware, not all chins are meant to get along with other chins. It may be that Echo is too timid to be able to handle a male (or even a female) cagemate. You have to respect the individual chin and not try and force it, no matter how much you want them to breed. Be alert and vigilant to the clues you are getting from Echo.
Welcome to CnH.
Please take some time to do some reading in the breeding and babies section. It is really helpful to go into breeding with your eyes wide open.