How to get a chin to gain weight?

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the dreamer
Feb 25, 2010
South Central PA
Tia's eating all right, she eats nearly a tablespoon of pellet per night and a small handful of hay. Not as much hay as she was eating, but I've noticed that if I add some alfalfa hay, she'll eat more.

She now weighs 530g, a 70g loss from when I first got her. The main loss came from a food switch (from ??? to Mazuri, which she didn't like, to PANR Show). I have just started the second week of switching from Mazuri to PANR Show - two teaspoons of each daily.

I just can't get her to gain weight back. She lost about 20g after she hurt herself dusting. Is it okay to get a "weight gain" supplement (like from QMC) and give her a teaspoon of that daily? Would that help?

I just don't want her to keep losing.
I don't know if I would get a weight gain supplement specifically. But it wouldn't hurt to add just a general supplement a couple times a week. Tanya sells one my chins love (an all around supplement), Essentia has one that does well - both herbal. Menagerie (if she ever gets around to it) has a really good supplement she's going to sell. None of these are specifically touted as weight gain, mostly they are for overall health.

70 gm isn't a ton of weight for what she's been through Ash, and with her hip the way it is, I'd rather see her a little light than the other end of the spectrum.
In addition to what Peggy posted, my experience with my one boy who has teeth issues, had lost at least 100 grams from the end of last year up until the end of March. Now that the vet has his teeth issues under control, he has slowly gained 50% of what he has lost. His diet is mainly pellets and water, he eats very little hay due to his teeth issues and I give him 1/4 teaspoon of the Ryerson's supplement every other day and 1/8 teaspoon of Lifeline every other day. This has worked for my CJ but every chin is different.